> >> As part of this implementation, I borrowed the drawEllipicalArc() method
> >> from the svgweb library(flash implementation of SVG) [1]  The code is
> >> Apache licensed.  I have added the link to the original code as a
> >>comment
> >> in our code.  Do I need to mention this in the NOTICE or LICENSE files?
> >
> >As it's Apache licences nothing need to be added NOTICE and LICENSE. [1]
> >You only need to add something if there was a NOTICE file. (which looks
> >like there isn't).
> It looks like lots of lines of code were "borrowed" which, IMO, means it
> is still third-party and not donated.  I'm wondering if there was any way
> to use their file as-is, or their file with slight modifications.  That
> would make it more clear that this is mostly or entirely a third-party
> work.  Then their header would be on the file with their copyright, and I
> think we'd mention it in LICENSE like we did for Open-Sans font which is
> also AL.

Not to poke my nose to deep into what is shaping up to be one of those nice
and informative legal threads, but I think I may have a relevant question:
if some bit of code is AL, is there a 'legal' way to rip it apart and put
it back together again, improved and upgraded and then use it for the


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