Probably not...

It might be worthwhile posting a forum post (or announcement) that the code was 
donated to Apache. I can add an announcement if we want.

On Oct 13, 2014, at 10:31 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:

> On 10/13/14, 11:19 AM, "Harbs" <> wrote:
>> I’m a moderator on the forums and used to have rights to modify the
>> forums, but they pulled the admin rights for moderators who are not Adobe
>> employees after someone messed something up with the forums.
>> Alex, being an employee, you can probably get admin rights. Adjusting the
>> forum is pretty easy to do and I can direct you. If you’d like to get
>> admin rights (and don’t already have them), I can probably put in a word…
> IMO, the question is: is it worth your time and my time to figure out how
> to make these changes given that nobody has posted there for 5 months?
> -Alex

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