Hi Justin,

First of all, we have no data on what percentage of users prefer US English 
relative to International English. Statistics on where users come for are 
somewhat of an indication, but only a partial indication. How many people come 
from countries where the primary language is English? If English is a secondary 
language in the country all bets are off. (I’m in Israel, and my primary 
language is US English.)

I just looked at the stats and US English has the highest percentage of 
visitors with China a close second. Throw India into the equation, and that’s 
half the visitors. The only three native English countries in the primary list 
are UK, Canada and Australia. Even if we are to assume that the spellings are 
the same in those three countries (which they are not), US still has well more 
than double those three countries combined. So I’m very skeptical that your 
assumption that most visitors prefer International English is true.

Second of all, no I don’t see this as inconsistent. I personally couldn’t care 
less whether the language is US English or International English. But I DO care 
that whatever it is, it should be consistent. Mucking around with documentation 
is guaranteed to make things inconsistent unless we invest a huge effort into 

Third of all, anyone who speaks English and has a LITTLE exposure to the 
international community knows there’s different spellings of words and they 
will not see US English as spelling errors. If they don’t have that exposure 
(doubtful if we’re talking about developers), someone from the US will have the 
same issues but in reverse, so changing to IE will not solve a problem.

Lastly, my unscientific impression is that the vast majority of developer docs 
on the web are in US English. There’s no reason why Flex should be any 

Personally, I’ve already invested more effort than I’m interested in investing 
into this discussion. Can we see if your position has some support from others 
before we invest more energy on this?


On Nov 23, 2014, at 10:24 AM, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> It boils down to this: About 60-70% of our users understand International 
> English, only minor changes are required to accommodate that and be more 
> inclusive, why wouldn't we do that? Or are you saying that data is incorrect? 
> Granted most of the users don't care one way or another and that's fine.
> Other PMC  members made a big deal about spelling errors in the readme / 
> release notes, even saying that it is a release blocker. But we've not any 
> any user say that's a significant issue have we? For the current releases 
> 60-70% of user will see what they consider as spelling errors. Doesn't anyone 
> else see this as a bit inconsistent?
> Thanks,
> Justin

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