On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 3:04 PM, Michael Schmalle <teotigraphix...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> If I knew people like you were getting interested in these projects, I know
> it's a catalyst for me because I met you back in 2005-2006(can't remember),
> right when AIR(Apollo) was released at the Adobe component developer
> summit. I know exactly why you are still using ActionScript.

Is that a hint that you want me to come out and say it directly? ;)

If a standalone AS3 to JS transpiler were available, and it had someone
actively working on it, I would put it through its paces. I want to build
UI components similar to Feathers on top of canvas and/or WebGL. If I could
reference an existing JS library (like CreateJS or something similar) in
ActionScript and subclass its types, I would have everything I needed. If I
had to provide some kind of shim to work with a particular JS library, I'd
be willing to create it in whichever format the compiler expects. Even if I
weren't writing code to be included directly in FlexJS, I'd be giving the
transpiler a solid workout.

- Josh

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