I'm making lots of changes to SortField and Sort, and I'm realising
that having two versions of these files is error prone and duplicates
effort. From what I can see, the differences are:

Between mx.collections.SortField and spark.collections.SortField:
1. lots of asdocs changes
2. spark version ignores the caseInsensitive option
3. spark version extends AdvancedStyleClient, and has some more
functions for dealing with styles (like a "locale" style)
4. spark version uses a SortingCollator to compare strings, while mx
version uses ObjectUtil.stringCompare(), which uses
String.localeCompare(). Not sure how different these are.
Apart from a couple of bug fixes applied to both (except the bugs I'm
working on right now, which I currently only applied to the mx
version), they both arrived from the Adobe donation with these

Between mx.collections.Sort and spark.collections.Sort:
1. again, lots of asdocs changes
2. again, spark version extends AdvancedStyleClient, and has some more
functions for dealing with styles (like a "locale" style)
3. mx version uses Array.sortOn when it can, while spark version
doesn't (in the sort() function)
And the same as above, apart from a couple commits, they both came
from the Adobe donation with these differences.

1. Can the spark versions be used with the mx components which
currently use the mx versions of Sort and SortField? I.e.
AdvancedDataGrid, DataGrid and DefaultCubeImpl. Or would there be
problems about these new style functions, or other issues?
2. If we can get the above to work, can we get rid of the mx versions?
I think it's really important to remove duplication, because all
changes to one version (e.g. the ones that I'm now making to sorting)
might have unintended consequences when ported to the other version
(or, even worse, we'll simply forget to do it, and still keep the bug
in the other version), and maintaining two almost identical sets of
unit tests is just impractical - not only would we have to make
changes and fixes in two places, but we'd also have to update two sets
of unit tests each time.


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