Sounds exciting. Happened to install it on my mobile. I can see just the
blog news and twitter feed options. Where can I find the components? I am
on android lollipop. It isn't showing menu option too. I feel am missing
On 20 Jun 2015 12:52, "George Yabra" <> wrote:

> Hi there,
> Some time ago I developed a proof of concept 'Tour de Flex Mobile' app. For
> health reasons I was unable to continue working  on the project. That said,
> I now feel better and I'm working back on it.
> This time I had some more ideas for the app, for example:
> RSS & Twitter Feeds
> Youtube Videos
> Flex Showcase
> Mailing List reader (both dev and users)
> Wiki
> Bug Tracker
> Components Explorer
> These features will make the app more useful than a simple Components
> Explorer App and it will be a great resource for any Flex developer, not
> only the new comers.
> Some of these features are still in early development and I will be working
> on fine tuning them, others I'm still researching how to implement them
> without performance issues.
> You can test the new Tour de Flex Mobile App from this link [1]
> This weekend I will commit these new changes and codebase to the flex
> examples Github repo.
> Feel free to share your comments and suggestions, I tried to make a very
> stable release but they might be some bugs and glitches. I'm not subscribed
> to the mailing list but I check it several times a day in the mailing list
> archive site.
> Best regards
> George
> [1]

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