On 09.09.2015 22:06, Frédéric THOMAS wrote:
Now, what is the best setup to be able to debug the BuiltInFlexCompiler or any other tool?

I added instructions to readme about compiler process debugging.

Also, before you mentioned CTRL+T on Windows to update the project, I just would like to mentioned that given I intent at some point to create pull requests, I cloned first the intellij-plugins repository as described in the readme, therefore updating the project only pull your cloned repository, not the changes pushed in the upstream, to be able in IntelliJ to pull the upstream, you need to run "git remote add upstream https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-plugins.git"; on the command line, then "git pull upstream/master" or CVS/git/pull... and select the upstream/master. Does it worth to mention it in the readme?

I guess GitHub and hundreds of other sites already have detailed instructions how to create pull requests.

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