On 9/18/15, 9:05 AM, "Frédéric THOMAS" <webdoubl...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>> Well, some SWC has to provide the builtins like Object, Array, etc.  My
>> guess is that your config is depending on a playerglobal or airglobal,
>> that does work for me, but I was thinking that long-term we want GCL to
>> depend on js.swc and use its Object and Event definitions in there
>> that is the true set of classes available to GCL developer at runtime.
>> For example, in one of API right now I saw use of the Class builtin,
>> doesn’t exist in JS.
>Hmm, not sure I get your point about why to making it dependent of js.wc.
>To me, we use the GCL only as a stub to be able to strongly type our
>code, not for what it means at JS point of you, doing so, until it
>compiles and provide us with strong types, I'm happy with, am I missing
>something ?
>I added it as an external library in the Core and the
>playerglobal did the trick to build it, why it doesn't work for you ?

IMO, the externs swcs are also for developers wanting to build “native” JS
applications without the FlexJS components, so any GCL.swc needs to
support some developer using GCL and native JS.  So the two swcs need to
be compatible with each other.   We could just hack up a GCL just to get
the FlexJS JS to be written in AS but I feel like spending a day or two
trying to see if there is a way we can be more general about it.


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