Here’s all the details from the E4X spec:

Expressions may be used to compute parts of an XML initialiser. Expressions are 
delimited by curly braces and may appear inside tags or element content. Inside 
a tag, expressions may be used to compute a tag name, attribute name, or 
attribute value. Inside an element, expressions may be used to compute element 
content. For example, 
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) 
e[i] = <employee id={i}> // compute id value 
<name>{names[i].toUpperCase()}</name> // compute name value 
<age>{ages[i]}</age> // compute age value 
Each expression is evaluated and replaced by its value prior to parsing the 
literal XML value. For example the following expression, 
var tagname = "name"; 
var attributename = "id"; 
var attributevalue = 5; 
var content = "Fred"; 
var x = <{tagname} {attributename}={attributevalue}>{content}</{tagname}>; 
would assign the following XML value to the variable x. 
<name id="5">Fred</name> 

I’m pretty sure that the only place a curly brace literal is legal is in a 
CDATA block.

On Jan 4, 2016, at 7:27 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:

> On 1/4/16, 8:17 AM, "Harbs" <> wrote:
>> For literals, yes, we’d for the most part just pass the whole thing as a
>> string to the constructor. The only exception I can think of is bracket
>> notation:
>> var foo:XML = <node><subnode attr={myAttr}>foo</subnode></node>;
>> would have to become:
>> var foo:XML = new XML('<node><subnode
>> attr="‘+myAttr+’">foo</subnode></node>’);
> Wow, didn't know about that capability.  I'll have to see what the parser
> knows about that.
> -Alex

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