On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 2:24 PM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:

> That's a valid approach as well, but probably has the overhead of wrapping
> a lot of their classes to conform to IUIBase.

Do you mean work overhead?  That would be a one time thing, right?
Or runtime overhead? I doubt if porting over stuff to conform IUIBase would
cause runtime overhead...

> You would probably get a lot
> of other things like Binding and States for free though.

Yes, biggest advantage is you get MXML support for free since everything is
already set up.


> -Alex
> On 3/1/16, 2:16 PM, "omup...@gmail.com on behalf of OmPrakash Muppirala"
> <omup...@gmail.com on behalf of bigosma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >If I may, there might be a better approach by just doing it within the
> >FlexJS framework.  You should be able to create a
> >org.apache.flex.starling.Application.as class where a starling display
> >list
> >is used instead of the regular display list.  You can follow the pattern
> >that the org.apache.flex.jquery.Application.as or
> >org.apache.flex.createjs.Application.as follows.
> >
> >Once you have the basic application setup, you should be able to construct
> >individual components and use the Starling display list as you go.  You
> >might have to create a new version of UIBase (and possible other classes)
> >to use the starling display list instead.
> >
> >And theoretically, for each of these starling based classes, you could
> >have
> >the COMPILE::JS versions that do the same/similar thing on Canvas/WebGL.
> >Something along the lines of https://github.com/matrix3d/spriteflexjs
> >
> >Just a thought.  I might be missing something big here.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Om
> >
> >On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 1:35 PM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:
> >
> >> I don't know what Josh did to MXMLC to get it to work for
> >> Starling/Feathers.  I have encouraged him in the past to try to work
> >> directly with the Falcon output.  IMO, MXMLC should be abandoned.
> >>
> >> Falcon supposedly has no real ties to any particular ActionScript
> >> framework.  MXMLC generated code that expected the Flex SDK to be
> >>around.
> >>
> >> Maybe the best place to start is with a simple Starling/Feathers app
> >> written with some MXML and AS.  Run it through Falcon with
> >> -mxml-children-as-data and see what you get.  It won't run right away,
> >>but
> >> will give us tangible issues to discuss.  In theory, you won't need to
> >> touch any of the JBurg stuff at all.  The MXML reduction does not use
> >> JBurg except for any AS code in event handlers and script blocks.
> >>
> >> What Falcon currently does is add one method and a few new properties to
> >> the subclass.  So for some MXML like
> >>
> >> ---- MyApp.mxml ----
> >> <StarlingApp width="900" height="600">
> >>   <FeathersComponent id="foo" label="bar" />
> >> </StarlingApp>
> >> ---- MyApp.mxml ----
> >>
> >> The effective output (because there is no generated AS output from
> >>Falcon)
> >> is something like:
> >>
> >> public class MyApp extends StarlingApp
> >> {
> >>    public function MyApp()
> >>    {
> >>         super();
> >>         generateMXMLAttributes([2, "width", false, 900, "height", false,
> >> 600]);
> >>    }
> >>
> >>    override public function get MXMLDescriptor():Array
> >>    {
> >>        return [1, FeathersComponent, 2, "id", false, "foo", "label",
> >> false, "bar"];
> >>    }
> >> }
> >>
> >> IOW, any base-class for an MXML file must support:
> >>
> >> public function generateMXMLAttributes(data:Array):void
> >>
> >> public function get MXMLDescriptor():Array;
> >>
> >>
> >> Another property called mxmlsd is added for state-dependent nodes.  Not
> >> sure if you will need that.
> >>
> >> There might even be a better way to do this, and better names.  The
> >>reason
> >> it is this way is because I think it is better to have some requirements
> >> on the base classes of the framework rather than have the output assume
> >> other kinds of lifecycle calls: addElement vs addChild, when to
> >> instantiate child nodes, etc.  By passing in MXML as data, the framework
> >> gets to decide when to actually apply properties, map them to different
> >> things, etc.
> >>
> >> HTH,
> >> -Alex
> >>
> >> On 3/1/16, 9:40 AM, "Michael Schmalle" <teotigraphix...@gmail.com>
> >>wrote:
> >>
> >> >Would I even need to fork it?
> >> >
> >> >I mentioned to Josh that I use MXML and Feathers extensively for these
> >> >audio apps I am about to release on Android which means I have a high
> >> >stake
> >> >in the tech at the moment.
> >> >
> >> >That tinkerer side of me feels I could do something about this but I
> >>am at
> >> >a loss of what I need to do to get the ball rolling.
> >> >
> >> >If I could get this project to work, this would be huge for the project
> >> >since the Falcon compiler could actually start to be used in
> >>production.
> >> >It
> >> >also means I would have a monetary reason to be able to contribute to
> >>the
> >> >development and learning deeper of the compiler.
> >> >
> >> >Alex, I need some advice man. :) Where would I even begin?
> >> >
> >> >Below is what I posted on Josh's Feathers SDK issue, just me talking to
> >> >myself.
> >> >
> >> >Mike
> >> >
> >> >"
> >> >
> >> >I'm putting this here just so if anybody else reads it and wants to
> >>chime
> >> >in.
> >> >
> >> >Background; I have worked extensively with the Falcon compiler mainly
> >>in
> >> >creating/writing the FalconJX compiler FlexJS uses to cross compile
> >> >AS/MXML
> >> >to JS.
> >> >
> >> >The problem I see is that I wrote a traversing framework that was a
> >> >visitor
> >> >and walker implementation which was an abstraction outside of the
> >>actual
> >> >AST Falcon produces when it parses AS3.
> >> >
> >> >The actual MXML compiler uses JBurg and is completely outside of my
> >> >knowledge base. I don't off the top of my head know of any hooks to
> >>extend
> >> >MXML generation or even how to start.
> >> >
> >> >I do understand "what" the original compiler does as far as setting up
> >>AS
> >> >to be compiled again so the theory is there for me but I am totally
> >> >lacking
> >> >in the vision from start to end of what I need to do to get Falcon to
> >> >produce different byte code since there is no code generation pass.
> >> >
> >> >Anyway, I think this could be HUGE for Starling and Feathers if it
> >>could
> >> >be
> >> >done since then we could add a whole bunch of specific things that
> >>could
> >> >enhance the dynamic nature of constructing a Starling/Feathers
> >> >mobile/desktop app."
> >>
> >>

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