While I can understand Jude’s frustration, I do think it’s clear that we need 
to properly vet donations.

I’d like to try to bring this discussion back on-topic.

I would like to see Lizhi’s code accepted. I think it’s really useful. If not 
actual “core”, it’s pretty close to it.

So the questions remain:
1. Does anyone have objections?

Lizhi, Justin raised the question whether the code originated with you, or did 
some of the code come from some other source? Can you confirm? If some came 
from another source, can you tell us where?

2. Assuming we accept it, what should the package naming be? I think there’s a 
strong case for leaving it as-is.

3. How should it be structured in the source? Should all the code go into a 
single “Flash” project? Should it be split into multiple projects (possibly one 
for each of the flash top-level packages)?

4. Lizhi, are you able and willing to help prepare the code for Apache 
(including adding Apache headers, etc.)?


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