On 10/20/16, 9:49 AM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I feel like we’re not communicating. No. I want to merge as-is.

I don't understand how that would create a second component set.  Seems
like that would just stomp on the current basic set.

>I think that wrapping should be the default for all components. I feel
>that having Flash properties leaking though is worse than a bit of
>redirection for 99% of use cases. I can’t stress how much of an issue
>that the Flash properties and methods leaking through was for us.
>Spark-like components was not the issue. Platform-specific implementation
>details leaking through is the issue and it’s more of an issue than
>possible performance problems IMO.
>We have not demonstrated that the performance impact will even be an
>issue. If that’s demonstrated, we can make leaky high-preformance
>alternates for those cases.

I'll work on getting profiler information, but I have a feeling it won't
convince you.  I have proposed tool chain solutions to I think every
problem you have described.  If not, it is probably time to write down
explicit examples so everybody can understand the issue.  I must clearly
be missing something.  We have examples that work without wrapping on the
SWF-side.  The API conflicts you hit were from migrating existing Flex
code and I don't think folks starting new projects will run into the same
problems and if they want to deploy a SWF version, may be more interested
in seeing that the output has as little overhead as possible.

The URI for the basic set is currently
"library://ns.apache.org/flexjs/basic".  I don't quite get how a wrapping
pattern on the SWF-side counts as "basic".  I would offer that the
component set with wrapping have the URI
"library://ns.apache.org/flexjs/migration".  Feel free to propose an
alternate set of URIs if you are convinced your wrapping set is "basic".
I don't care that much about the names as long as the meaning is clear.
If you want the HTML.swc to contain the wrapped set, propose SWC names for
the unwrapped set.  Could be Basic.swc or BasicHTML.swc.

I have no idea what the "default" set of components will be for FlexJS.  I
doubt it will be what is currently "basic".  It will likely be something
with more beads packed in with their APIs aggregated to the components API
surface.  Folks will choose the ones they want.  But at least if you want
to go low-level, you can.


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