I forgot to respond to this earlier. Some inline responses:

> What is the logic behind that statement?  The wrapping object is an
> EventDispatcher.  Each EventDispatcher eats up some 40 bytes.

I forgot about EventDispatcher. I was thinking it’s a simple object. You’re 
right. There is a memory hit.

> Where did you get the 0.02ms number?

Benchmarks I saw. I did not do testing myself, but getter access seems to be 
really fast.

> The current SWF-side event model subclasses flash.events.Event.  I don't
> think there is any wrapping going on.

Wrapping was the wrong word. I meant subclassing.

> I will need to understand you are referring to.  Since there is no
> wrapping going on, I'm not sure what you are describing.

We had all kinds of typing issues related to events. When you have your 
toolchain, I’ll work on creating an itemized list of issues and we’ll see if 
you can fix them all… ;-)

> Yep, I think that's the best plan.

Great. Let’s go for it.

> I would like to
> change the URI for the wrapped set to something else: migration, full,
> flex, other ideas?

Anything is fine with me. js even? This might all be temporary, so the exact 
name of the URI does not concern me very much.

> I am going to close this post with a long story.

I’m sorry for being so difficult. If you can solve the problems — that’s fine 
with me. FWIW, I consider your vast experience the greatest asset the Flex 
project has and I value your opinion greatly. My opinion comes from a lot of 
frustration related to the subclassing. If you can fix all that and prove me 
wrong, I’m a happy camper… ;-)


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