Looks great!  Eating our own dog food :-)

BTW, this looks like a great use case for an MDL-Card component [1] as a
container for each team member.  If no one gets to it before me, I will
take a shot at it!

[1] https://getmdl.io/components/#cards-section


On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 10:56 AM, Peter Ent <p...@adobe.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> If you go to: http://flex.apache.org/team/ you'll see a Flex Team page
> created using FlexJS. Still needs a bit more styling and polish. This is
> driven by a JSON file.
> Take a look and let me know your thoughts. The code is in
> flex-asjs/examples/flexjs/TeamPage.
> Peter Ent
> Adobe Systems/Apache Flex Project

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