On 12/16/16, 1:14 PM, "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

>> OK, but you have said elsewhere you have little time to contribute.
>I actually said that the amount of time I have to contribute to this
>project varies over time. It's currently summer and Xmas holidays here in
>the southern hemisphere from now until mid January. People get a minimum
>of 4 weeks holidays  a year here in Australia. [1] Some companies it’s
>more and 10+ days public holidays.  I’m also coming up to 4 months long
>service leave.
>> What happens if you and Chris are busy or no longer around?
>That is the same for anyone working on this project, both Chis and I have
>been working on this project regularly for around 5 years so the risk is
>low. There should also be other people who know some XSLT, it been around
>a while (1999+) [2]  and is well supported, for instance all modern
>browsers support XSLT.

Others who know XSLT and can help support its use for ASDoc, please speak
up now.  If we don't get more names, then it effectively makes you two
gatekeepers of an important feature, which is, IMO, not a good idea for
any Apache project.  People should be able to contribute code and not need
someone else to have it properly documented.

>> Let's first discuss this one point:  Should FlexJS ASDoc be static HTML
>> a Rich Internet Application?
>Why not both? One use case is will the documentation be available as a
>download and work offline? Another is can I turn it into other formats
>i.e. convert to PDF or to have as a reference on my ebook reader?
>> Maybe there is some advantage to static HTML that I don't understand.
>Offline viewing, format portability, SEO and search-ability (google
>ranking favours static fast sites and can’t index some dynamic content),
>higher scalability (but that’s a nice problem to have), and usually less
>bandwidth and faster on mobile. But that not to say dynamic sites don’t
>have different advantages.

Aren't all of these issues things that all RIAs need to handle?  Or has
static site generation gotten so easy that folks are moving away from
RIAs?  An AIR/PhoneGap version of the ASDoc app should handle off-line
viewing.  At least with FlexJS each page appears in the browser and many
PDF converters work right from the browser.   I thought RIAs were supposed
to result in lower bandwidth.


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