
> However, in January 2015, the board decided to entertain proposals for
> directed donations.  

This proposal doesn’t see to match with what in that board report [1] as it's 
for $50,000 sized experiments. Are you sure you get board support and VP 
funding approval for this proposal?

> 3) I am currently paying for one of our CI servers.  If we could get
> directed donations to pay for it, we might be able to upgrade to a faster
> server.

Why not talk to Infra they should be able to help and give up a better server? 
Sure Is it easier to setup up one ourselves short term, but long terms costs 
may be greater.

My concerns:
- I’m not sure it’s in line with ASF mission of  “for the public good”. If the 
ASF only accepted project that could pay for themselves it would be very 
different to what it is today.
- The PMC will need to spend more volunteer time on setting up and maintaining 
and updating servers.
- Security and the risk around self hosting, particularly if we offer non 
static services on it. What happens if our server gets compromised. Would that 
damage our project and the ASFs reputation?  What would the board do in this 
- Bus factor. If the person who’s set up a critical piece of the infrastructure 
leaves the project that knowledge is lost.
- Risk to uptime of services. If a server goes down who can fix it quickly it 
not like we have people on call or have monitoring systems (or we could but 
that’s more cost).
- Administration of donations, who has access to the bank account, auditing and 
legal responsibilities around what we can and can’t spend it on. Would we need 
to pay for professional services here?
- Risk towards the ASF 501(c) status, is anyone here an expert on US tax law 
and what we can and cannot no in that regard? Would we need to pay for legal 
services here?
- Risk of outside influence / perception of non neutralitily to companies who 
directly donate

Now I'm sure that most of these can be sorted up but my first impression is 
seems like a lot of effort, risk and potentially increased costs over what we 
currently have, but if you want to run with it and manage to get support from 
the rest of the PMC, the board and VP funding then go for it.



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