HMTL needed more than 5 years, let's give WebASM 10.

On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 4:58 PM, Jason Taylor <> wrote:

> So I'm sure many of you are aware that FireFox just added support for Web
> Assembly, Chrome should have it in the next release, and IE will be adding
> it shortly as well.   Performance measurements on WebASM vs HTMl are
> increadibe, and WebASM appears to be even way more performant than Flash
> (in addition to way better multi-threading).
> I was wondering if anyone on the Flex teams is considering looking into
> possibilities involving WebASM?   I know it's far fetched but dosen't hurt
> to ask right?  In an ideal world the ability to cross compile flash/flex
> apps to WebASM, or a Falcon output to WebASM for FlexJS.

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