Carlos had a problem with Peter's email in January.  I'm not sure what the
answer is.


On 3/24/17, 7:54 AM, "Dave Glasser" <> wrote:

>I use Yahoo email, and it seems that the majority of Peter Ent's (and
>others from this list) get routed into my spam folder. Marking the
>flagged messages as "Not Spam" seems to have no effect on subsequent
>Is anyone else experiencing this with Yahoo email?
>      From: Peter Ent <>
> To: "" <>
> Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 1:44 PM
> Subject: [FlexJS] Summary of Changes
>FlexJS Container and Layout Upgrade
>My goal when starting this process was to have FlexJS produce leaner HTML
>structures and to reduce the amount of JavaScript code getting
>cross-compiled. My latest commit does the following:
>- Produces simpler HTML structures for the container classes, Group,
>Container, and Panel.
>- Simplifies a number of the layout classes for JS while fixing or tuning
>the SWF code to mimic the browser.
>- Moves code that only affects the SWF side into SWF code blocks.
>I touched only Core and HTML projects and fixed Effects so it would
>compile since it had the fewest issues. MDL and Charts have larger
>concerns and I hope to sort those out as quickly as I can.
>Here are the classes and changes you will find:
>Group: This new class (introduced in a previous commit) produces the
>simplest container for HTML (it is just a DIV) and SWF. By default it
>provides no layout in case you want to style in completely using CSS.
>Group (and its view bead, GroupView), are the foundation of the container
>classes. Group runs a layout bead (if there is one) and handles the
>sizing of elements on the SWF side. The JS side is left alone for the
>browser to manage (this was the biggest change).
>Container: This class, which extends Group, exists to provide scrolling
>on the SWF side. The JS side of Container is very light adds little to
>what Group does. On the SWF side, Container is a nested structure in
>order to providing content masking and scrolling (which is handled on the
>JS side by using overflow:auto style, which is all the ScrollingViewport
>bead will do if you add it to Container).
>UIBase: The major change to UIBase is that it no longer sets the position
>style. That means if you set the x and y properties of a component, it
>will, on the JS side, only set the left and top style values. If you
>intend to place elements at specific pixel coordinates, use a container
>(Group or Container) with BasicLayout which will add position:absolute
>style to all of the children.
>NOTE: I made UIBase (and a couple other classes, too) not set position
>style because I saw how easily that caused other problems, especially
>when there was a mixing of "absolute" and "relative" position values. Now
>that this work is done, it may not be a bad thing to have UIBase's x and
>y properties set position:absolute has a convenience. It does however,
>have some ramifications; if you have position:absolute that will override
>pretty much all of the layout types. But maybe the developer just sees
>this and stops setting x and y. Also, there is no way to unset position
>once set. These are things we will have to see how they play out.
>Layouts: The layouts no longer change the size of their container hosts
>nor do they produce the "layoutComplete" event. The GroupView class
>handles both of these now to make the process of layout and
>sizing/positioning consistent.
>Lists: The DataGroup that lists use to hold the item renderers is no
>longer in play. The DataGroup caused unnecessary nesting of elements (DIV
>inside of DIV). To break that, components like List had to become their
>own item renderer parents. Squaring this away is perhaps the biggest
>challenge since a number of complex components use List as their base.
>The DataContainer is now the basis for lists, with List being its first
>subclass since they have so much in common. The DataContainerView bead is
>now the basis for all list views.
>Panel: The Panel is now an extension of Group and it contains three
>children: a TitleBar, a ControlBar (for PanelWithControlBar), and a
>Container for the content space. When you do: panel.addElement(object),
>the Panel code redirects this to its Container child. Similarly,
>panel.numElements tells you the number of elements in the Container
>child. Because Panel is now a Group (so are TitleBar and ControlBar), it
>uses a layout to size and position those three children. When you build
>your own components, you can use Group + layout to achieve the look you
>want with minimal HTML structure.
>Interfaces: There are couple of key changes to interfaces. First, there
>is a new interface in the Core project: ILayoutView. This interface is
>implemented by any component whose children can be manipulated by a
>layout. The ILayoutHost interface's function, contentView, has been
>changed to return an instance of ILayoutView. The functions listed in
>ILayoutView may be expanded if we run into situations or layouts that
>need more information from their layout parents; this change is probably
>the source of most compilation issues you will see.
>Using Layouts inside of Components: As stated above, Panel (and
>PanelWithControlBar), now uses a layout for its own purposes. This is the
>VerticalFlexLayout, modeled on the HTML/CSS Flexbox. This general purpose
>CSS creation makes the code much simpler and cleaner. Basically, the JS
>layout code is a few lines with maybe a loop to set each child's display
>correctly. The SWF side then has the task to mimic the layout. I have not
>completed the transition on all of the layouts, but the common ones have
>tested correctly.
>Peter Ent
>Adobe Systems/Apache Flex Project

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