Do any other PMC members have concerns about the MD5 code?  I don't.  I
think we're good to go.


On 4/23/17, 8:33 AM, " on behalf of OmPrakash Muppirala"
< on behalf of> wrote:

>Justin, you are welcome to contact the original authors and find out more.
>But please don't expect the release process to wait till we figure this
>We can fix license headers in a subsequent release if needed.
>I would rather Alex and Harbs continue their coding, prepping for release,
>etc instead of spending more time on this issue.
>On Apr 23, 2017 8:00 AM, "Harbs" <> wrote:
>My point is that it does not matter which came from where.
>Even if you are right (which I doubt — Mike Chambers probably just took
>most of the code from existing code bases) the code was owned by Adobe
>(since it was written by an Adobe employee whether Mike Chambers or
>else) and Adobe donated it to Apache under the Apache license. We have no
>reason to question their right to do so.
>I don’t know what other licensing issues you refer to, so I can’t respond
>to that, but in this case I see no reason to do anything.
>> On Apr 23, 2017, at 10:20 AM, Justin Mclean <>
>> Hi,
>>> You have no way of determining that the original came from as3corelib
>and not the other way around.
>> Yes we do we can ask the people involved. Also look at the github dates,
>for instance the license was updated in 2008. [1]
>> Alex has requested the same on other licensing issues so why should this
>be different?
>> Thanks,
>> Justin
>> 1. 

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