
Do you have a quick example of how to use the FlexJS Accordion? The ASDoc
on it is thin. The children of the Flex SDK Accordion were navigation
components that supported things like title so each section could be
labeled. I don't see an AccordionChild or something similar that can be
used with Accordion. I took a guess and made Container a child of it, but
it just blew up. 


On 5/30/17, 6:39 AM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

>It seems like the new layouts totally broke Accordion.
>Accordion relied on absolute sizing to handle expanding and collapsing of
>content. I tried to add a new layout which is basically a copy of the old
>OneFlexibleVerticalLayout and use that for accordion, but that does not
>seem to work either due to changes in containers (I think).
>Peter, do you thin you could look into this?

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