I'm still working on this and ran into a couple of issues.

The flexible child layouts no longer provide a way to explicitly set a
child; instead they rely in the child's id being used to retrieve the
child from the document. Unfortunately, a layout that is not referenced in
MXML will not get its document set.

Perhaps a better solution is to write "AccordionLayout" that will expand
the child selected by the model, but I'm still looking at making use of
what is already there.


On 5/30/17, 11:35 AM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

>The reasons it’s broken is (at least) thee-fold:
>1. Panels contain content and need to be collapsed despite the fact that
>content exists.
>2. The Collapse bead can only infer that it’s collapsed by the fact that
>the size is the collapsed size — which only makes sense if the size is
>3. The title must be measured to set the collapsed height correctly.
>> On May 30, 2017, at 6:21 PM, Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Something like this:
>>            <js:Accordion selectedIndex="0">
>>                <js:dataProvider>
>>                    <fx:Array>
>>                        <js:Panel id="panel1" title="Panel 1"/>
>>                        <js:Panel id="panl2" title="Panel 2"/>
>>                    </fx:Array>
>>                </js:dataProvider>
>>            </js:Accordion>
>> This is the markup of an Accordion which used to work, which doesn’t
>>              <js:Accordion id="accordion" width="100%" height="100%">
>>                <js:dataProvider>
>>                    <fx:Array>
>>                                              <view:SetupPanel/>
>>                                              <view:PackagePanel/>
>>                                              <view:TemplatePanel/>
>>                                              <view:FontPanel/>
>>                    </fx:Array>
>>                </js:dataProvider>
>>            </js:Accordion>
>>> On May 30, 2017, at 4:54 PM, Peter Ent <p...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Do you have a quick example of how to use the FlexJS Accordion? The
>>> on it is thin. The children of the Flex SDK Accordion were navigation
>>> components that supported things like title so each section could be
>>> labeled. I don't see an AccordionChild or something similar that can be
>>> used with Accordion. I took a guess and made Container a child of it,
>>> it just blew up.
>>> Thanks,
>>> ‹peter
>>> On 5/30/17, 6:39 AM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> It seems like the new layouts totally broke Accordion.
>>>> Accordion relied on absolute sizing to handle expanding and
>>>>collapsing of
>>>> content. I tried to add a new layout which is basically a copy of the
>>>> OneFlexibleVerticalLayout and use that for accordion, but that does
>>>> seem to work either due to changes in containers (I think).
>>>> Peter, do you thin you could look into this?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Harbs

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