Hi all,

Thanks Aljoscha for going forward with the side inputs and for the nice proposal!

I'm also in favor of the implementation with N-ary input (3.) for the reasons Ventura explained. I'm strongly against managing side inputs at StreamTask level (2.), as it would create another abstraction for almost the same purposes as a TwoInputOperator. Making use of the second input of a 2-input operator (1.) could be useful for prototyping. I assume it would be easier to implement a minimal solution with that, but I'm not sure. If the N-ary input prototype is almost ready, then it's best to go with that.

For side input readiness, it would be better to wait for the side input to be completely ready. As Gyula has suggested, waiting only for the first record does not differ much from not waiting at all. I would also prefer user-defined readiness, but for the minimal solution we could fix this for completely read side input and maybe go only for static side inputs first.

I understand that we should push a minimal viable solution forward. The current API and implementation proposal seems like a good start. However, long term goals are also important, to avoid going in a wrong direction. As I have not participated in the discussion let me share also some longer term considerations in reply to the others. (Sorry for the length.)

How would side inputs help the users? For the simple, non-windowed cases with static input a CoFlatMap might be sufficient. The main input can be buffered while the side input is consumed and stored in the operator state. Thus, the user can decide inside the CoFlatMap UDF when to start consuming the stream input (e.g. when the side input is ready). Of course, this might be problematic to implement, so the side inputs API could help the user with this pattern.

First, marking the end of side input is not easy. Every side input should broadcast some kind of EOF to the consuming operator. If we generalize to non-static (slowly changing) inputs, then progress tracking messages should be broadcast periodically. This is reminiscent of the watermark time tracking for windows.

I agree with Gyula that we should have user defined side input readiness. Although, couldn't we use windowing for this? It's not worth having two separate time tracking mechanisms (one for windows, one for side inputs). If the windowing is not flexible enough to handle such cases, then what about exposing watermark tracking to the user? E.g. we could have an extra user defined event handler in RichFunctions when time progress is made. This generalizes the two progress tracking. Of course, this approach requires more work so it's not for the minimal viable solution.

Second, exposing a buffer to the user helps a bit, but the users could buffer the data simply in an operator state. How would a buffer help more? Of course, the interface could have multiple implementations, such as a spilling buffer, and the user could choose. That helps the "waiting pattern".

I agree with Wenlong's suggestion that a blocking (or backpressure) must be an option. It seems crucial to avoid consuming a large part of the main input, that would take a lot of space. I suggest not to expose a buffer, but to allow the users to control whether to read from the different inputs. E.g. in the N-ary input operator UDF the user could control this per input: startConsuming(), stopConsuming(). Then it's the user's responsibility not to get into deadlocks, but the runtime handles the buffering. For reading static side input, the user could stop consuming the main input until she considers the side input ready.

User controlled backpressure would also benefit avoiding deadlock in stream loops.

I also agree with Wenlong's 2. point, that checkpointing should be considered, but I don't think it's really important for the prototype. If we maintain the side input in the state of the consuming operator then the checkpoint would not stop once the static side input is finished, because the main input goes on, the operator stays running. Incremental checkpointing could prevent checkpointing static data at every checkpoint.


On 2017-03-09 16:59, Aljoscha Krettek wrote:

Hi Jamie,
actually the approach where the .withSideInput() comes before the user
function is only required for implementation proposal #1, which I like
the least. For the other two it can be after the user function, which is
also what I prefer.

Regarding semantics: yes, we simply wait for anything to be available.
For GlobalWindows, i.e. side inputs on a normal function where we simply
don't have windows, this means that we wait for anything. For the
windowed case, which I'm proposing as a second step we will wait for
side input in a window to be available that matches the main-input
window. For the keyed case we wait for something on the same key to be
available, for the broadcast case we wait for anything.


On Thu, Mar 9, 2017, at 16:55, Jamie Grier wrote:
Hi, I think the proposal looks good.  The only thing I wasn't clear on
which API is actually being proposed.  The one where .withSideInput()
before the user function or after.  I would definitely prefer it come
since that's the normal pattern in the Flink API.  I understood that
the implementation different (maybe harder) but I think it helps keep the
API uniform which is really good.

Overall I think the API looks good and yes there are some tricky
here but in general if, when processing keyed main streams, we always
until there is a side-input available for that key we're off to a great
start and I think that was what you're suggesting in the design doc.


On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 7:27 AM, Aljoscha Krettek <aljos...@apache.org>

these are all valuable suggestions and I think that we should implement
them when the time is right. However, I would like to first get a
minimal viable version of this feature into Flink and then expand on it.
I think the last few tries of tackling this problem fizzled out because
we got to deep into discussing special semantics and features. I think
the most important thing to agree on right now is the basic API and the
implementation plan. What do you think about that?

Regarding your suggestions, I have in fact a branch [1] from May 2016
where I implemented a prototype implementation. This has an n-ary
operator and inputs can be either bounded or unbounded and the
implementation actually waits for all bounded inputs to finish before
starting to process the unbounded inputs.

In general, I think blocking on an input is only possible while you're
waiting for a bounded input to finish. If all inputs are unbounded you
cannot block because you might run into deadlocks (in the processing
graph, due to back pressure) and also because blocking will also block
elements that might have a lower timestamp and might fall into a
different window which is already ready for processing.



On Tue, Mar 7, 2017, at 14:39, wenlong.lwl wrote:
Hi Aljoscha, thank you for the proposal, it is great to hear about the
progress in side input.

Following is my point of view:
1. I think there may be an option to block the processing of the main
instead of buffer the data in state because in production, the through
of the main input is usually much larger, and buffering the data before
side input may slow down the preparing of side input since the i-o and
computing resources are always limited.
2. another issue may need to be disscussed: how can we do checkpointing
with side input, because static side input may finish soon once started
which will stop the checkpointing.
3. I agree with Gyula that user should be able to determines when a side
input is ready? Maybe we can do it one step further: whether users can
determine a operator with multiple inputs to process which input each
or not?  It would be more flexible.

Best Regards!

On 7 March 2017 at 18:39, Ventura Del Monte <venturadelmo...@gmail.com>

Hi Aljoscha,

Thank you for the proposal and for bringing up again this discussion.

Regarding the implementation aspect,I would say the first way could
be easier/faster to implement but it could add some overhead when
dealing with multiple side inputs through the current 2-streams union
transform. I tried the second option myself as it has less overhead
but then the outcome was something close to a N-ary operator consuming
first each side input while buffering the main one.
Therefore, I would choose the third option as it is more generic
and might help also in other scenarios, although its implementation
requires more effort.
I also agree with Gyula, I think the user should be allowed to define
condition that determines when a side input is ready, e.g., load the
input first, incrementally update the side input.


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On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 3:50 PM, Gyula Fóra <gyula.f...@gmail.com>
Hi Aljoscha,

Thank you for the nice proposal!

I think it would make sense to allow user's to affect the readiness
side input. I think making it ready when the first element arrives is
slightly better then making it always ready from usability
instance if I am joining against a static data set I want to wait
for the
whole set before making it ready. This could be exposed as a user
condition that could also recognize bounded inputs maybe.

Maybe we could also add an aggregating (merging) side input type,
could work as a broadcast state.

What do you think?


Aljoscha Krettek <aljos...@apache.org> ezt írta (időpont: 2017.
H, 15:18):

Hi Folks,

I would like to finally agree on a plan for implementing side
inputs in
Flink. There has already been an attempt to come to consensus [1],
resulted in two design documents. I tried to consolidate those two
also added a section about implementation plans. This is the


In terms of semantics I tried to go with the minimal viable
The part that needs discussing is how we want to implement this. I
outlined three possible implementation plans in the FLIP but what
boils down to is that we need to introduce some way of getting
inputs into an operator/task.

Please have a look at the doc and let us know what you think.





Jamie Grier
data Artisans, Director of Applications Engineering
@jamiegrier <https://twitter.com/jamiegrier>

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