Hi Robert,

thanks for starting this discussion. I was also about to suggest splitting the `Table API & SQL` component because it contains already more than 1000 issues.

My comments:

- Rename "SQL/Shell" to "SQL/Client" because the long-term goal might not only be a CLI interface. I would keep the generic name "SQL Client" for now. This is also what is written in FLIPs, presentations, and documentation. - Rename "SQL/Query Planner" to "SQL/Planner" a query is read-only operation but we support things like INSERT INTO etc.. Planner is more generic. - Rename "Gelly" to "Graph Processing". New users don't know what Gelly means. This is the only component that has a "feature name". I don't know if we want to stick with that in the future. - Not sure about this: Introduce a "SQL/Connectors"? Because SQL connectors are tightly bound to SQL internals but also to the connector itself. - Rename "Connectors/HCatalog" to "Connectors/Hive". This name is more generic and reflects the efforts about Hive Metastore and catalog integration that is currenlty taking place.


Am 08.02.19 um 12:39 schrieb Robert Metzger:
Hi all,

I am currently trying to improve how the Flink community is handling
incoming pull requests and JIRA tickets.

I've looked at how other big communities are handling such a high number of
contributions, and I found that many are using GitHub labels extensively.
An integral part of the label use is to tag PRs with the component / area
they belong to. I think the most obvious and logical way of tagging the PRs
is by using the JIRA components. This will force us to keep the JIRA
tickets well-organized, if we want the PRs to be organized :)
I will soon start a separate discussion for the GitHub labels.

Let's first discuss the JIRA components.

I've created the following Wiki page with my proposal of the new component,
and how to migrate from the existing components:

Please comment here or directly in the Wiki to let me know what you think.


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