Hi all,

This is one more small suggestion for the recent thread about code style
guide in Flink [1].

We already have a note about using a new line for each chained call in
Scala, e.g. either:



*    .stream()*
*    .map(*...*)*
*    .collect(...)*

if it would result in a too long line by keeping all chained calls in one

The suggestion is to have it for Java as well and add the same rule for a
long list of function arguments. So it is either:

*public void func(int arg1, int arg2, ...) throws E1, E2, E3 {*
*    ...*


*public **void func(*
*        int arg1,*
*        int arg2,*
*        ...)** throws E1, E2, E3 {*
*    ...*

but thrown exceptions stay on the same last line.

Please, feel free to share you thoughts.



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