On 10.03.20 03:31, Yang Wang wrote:
For the "run-job", do you mean to submit a Flink job to an existing session
just like the current per-job to start a dedicated Flink cluster? Then will
"flink run" be deprecated?

I was talking about the per-job mode that starts a dedicated Flink cluster. This was more thinking about the future but it might make sense to separate these modes more. "flink run" would then only be used for submitting to a session cluster, on standalone or K8s or whatnot.

On Yarn deployment, we could register the local or HDFS jar/files
as LocalResource.
And let Yarn to localize the resource to workdir, when the entrypoint is
launched, all
the jars and dependencies exist locally. So the entrypoint will *NOT* do
the real fetching,
do i understand correctly?

Yes, this is exactly what I meant.


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