Thanks Robert for these detailed explanations!
It is definitely useful to have a clear standard to avoid confusion when
creating Jira, especially for starters.

Thanks for the efforts!


On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 2:07 PM Robert Metzger <rmetz...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have the feeling that the semantics of some of our JIRA fields (mostly
> "affects versions", "fix versions" and resolve / close) are not defined in
> the same way by all the core Flink contributors, which leads to cases where
> I spend quite some time on filling the fields correctly (at least what I
> consider correctly), and then others changing them again to match their
> semantics.
> In an effort to increase our efficiency, and since I'm creating a lot of
> (test instability-related) tickets these days, I would like to discuss the
> semantics, come to a conclusion and document this in our Wiki.
> *Proposal:*
> *Priority:*
> "Blocker": needs to be resolved before a release (matched based on fix
> versions)
> "Critical": strongly considered before a release
> other priorities have no practical meaning in Flink.
> *Component/s:*
> Primary component relevant for this feature / fix.
> For test-related issues, add the component the test belongs to (for example
> "Connectors / Kafka" for Kafka test failures) + "Test".
> The same applies for documentation tickets. For example, if there's
> something wrong with the DataStream API, add it to the "API / DataStream"
> and "Documentation" components.
> *Affects Version/s:*Only for Bug / Task-type tickets: We list all currently
> supported and unreleased Flink versions known to be affected by this.
> Example: If I see a test failure that happens on "master" and
> "release-1.11", I set "affects version" to "1.12.0" and "1.11.0".
> *Fix Version/s:*
> For closed/resolved tickets, this field lists the released Flink versions
> that contain a fix or feature for the first time.
> For open tickets, it indicates that a fix / feature should be contained in
> the listed versions. Only blocker issues can block a release, all other
> tickets which have "fix version/s" set at the time of a release and are
> unresolved will be moved to the next version.
> *Assignee:*
> Person currently working on the ticket. Assigned after conclusion on
> approach by a committer.
> Often, fixes are obvious and committers self-assign w/o discussion.
> *Resolve / Close:*
> You can either Resolve or Close a ticket once it is done (fixed, rejected,
> invalid, ...).
> As a rule, we Close tickets instead of Resolving them when they are done.
> Background: There are semantic differences for Resolve and Close
> (implementor vs reporter considers it done), but I don't see how they
> practically apply to the Flink project. Looking at the numbers, Flink has
> 11066 closed tickets, and 3372 resolved tickets (that's why I propose to
> close instead of resolve)
> *Labels:*
> "test-stability" for all test instabilities
> "starter" for tickets suitable for new contributors
> *Release Note:*
> Small notes that will be included into the release notes published with the
> release.
> *All other fields are not used not used on a regular basis.*
> Please +1 my proposal if you want it to be published in our Wiki like that
> or let me know if I got something wrong here.
> Best,
> Robert

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