Hi Jark,

thanks for working on this issue. It is time to fix this last part of inconsistency in the API. I also like the core parts of the FLIP, esp. that TableDescriptor is one entity that can be passed to different methods. Here is some feedback from my side:

1) +1 for just `column(...)`

2) Expression DSL vs pure SQL string for computed columns
I agree with Dawid. Using the Expression DSL is desireable for a consistent API. Furthermore, otherwise people need to register functions if they want to use them in an expression. Refactoring TableSchema is definitely on the list for 1.12. Maybe we can come up with some intermediate solution where we transform the expression to a SQL expression for the catalog. Until the discussions around FLIP-80 and CatalogTableSchema have been finalized.

3) Schema#proctime and Schema#watermarkFor#boundedOutOfOrderTimestamps
We should design the descriptor very close to the SQL syntax. The more similar the syntax the more likely it is too keep the new descriptor API stable.

6) static method vs new keyword
Actually, the `new` keyword was one of the things that bothered me most in the old design. Fluent APIs avoid this nowadays.

7) make the descriptors immutable with builders
The descriptors are some kind of builders already. But they are not called "builder". Instead of coming up with the new concept of a "descriptor", we should use terminology that people esp. Java/Scala users are familiar with already.

We could make the descriptors immutable to pass them around easily.

Btw "Connector" and "Format" should always be in the classname. This was also a mistake in the past. Instead of calling the descriptor just `Kafka` we could call it `KafkaConnector`. An entire example could look like:

   KafkaConnector.newBuilder() // builder pattern supported by IDE
      .property("bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
      .property("group.id", "test-group")
      .format(JsonFormat.newInstance()) // shortcut for no parameters
            .column("user_id", DataTypes.BIGINT())
            .column("score", DataTypes.DECIMAL(10, 2))
            .column("log_ts", DataTypes.TIMESTAMP(3))
            .column("my_ts", toTimestamp($("log_ts"))

Instead of refacoring the existing classes, we could also think about a completly new stack. I think this would avoid confusion for the old users. We could deprecate the entire `Kafka` class instead of dealing with backwards compatibility.

8) minor extensions
A general `Connector.option(...)` class should also accept `ConfigOption` instead of only strings. A `Schema.column()` should accept `AbstractDataType` that can be resolved to a `DataType` by access to a `DataTypeFactory`.

What do you think?


On 09.07.20 18:51, Jark Wu wrote:
Hi Dawid,

Thanks for the great feedback! Here are my responses:

1) computedColumn(..) vs column(..)
I'm fine to use `column(..)` in both cases.

2) Expression DSL vs pure SQL string for computed columns
This is a good point. Actually, I also prefer to use Expression DSL because
this is more Table API style.
However, this requires to modify TableSchema again to accept & expose
Expression as computed columns.
I'm not convinced about this, because AFAIK, we want to have a
CatalogTableSchema to hold this information
and don't want to extend TableSchema. Maybe Timo can give some points here.
Besides, this will make the descriptor API can't be persisted in Catalog
unless FLIP-80 is done.

3) Schema#proctime and Schema#watermarkFor#boundedOutOfOrderTimestamps
The original intention behind these APIs are providing shortcut APIs for
Table API users.
But I'm also fine to only provide the DDL-like methods if you have
concerns. We can discuss shortcuts in the future if users request.

4) LikeOption
LikeOption.INCLUDING.ALL is a constant (enum values). I have added more
description about this in the FLIP.

5) implementation?
I don't want to mention too much about implementation details in the FLIP
at the beginning, because the API is already very long.
But I also added an "Implementation" section to explain them.

6) static method vs new keyword
Personally I prefer the new keyword because it makes the API cleaner. If we
want remove new keyword and use static methods, we have to:
Either adding a `Schema.builder()/create()` method as the starting method,
Or duplicating all the methods as static methods, e.g. we have 12 methods
in `Kafka`, any of them can be a starting method, then we will have 24
methods in `Kafka`.
Both are not good, and it's hard to keep all the descriptors having the
same starting method name, but all the descriptors can start from the same
new keyword.


On Thu, 9 Jul 2020 at 15:48, Dawid Wysakowicz <dwysakow...@apache.org>

Correction to my point 4. The example is correct. I did not read it
carefully enough. Sorry for the confusion. Nevertheless I'd still like
to see a bit more explanation on the LikeOptions.

On 07/07/2020 04:32, Jark Wu wrote:
Hi everyone,

Leonard and I prepared a FLIP about refactoring current Descriptor API,
i.e. TableEnvironment#connect(). We would like to propose a new
API to register connectors in Table API.

Since Flink 1.9, the community focused more on the new SQL DDL feature.
After a series of releases, the SQL DDL is powerful and has many rich
features now. However, Descriptor API (the `TableEnvironment#connect()`)
has been stagnant for a long time and missing lots of core features, such
as computed columns and primary keys. That's frustrating for Table API
users who want to register tables programmatically. Besides, currently, a
connector must implement a corresponding Descriptor (e.g. `new Kafka()`)
before using the "connect" API. Therefore, we hope to reduce this effort
for connector developers, that custom source/sinks can be registered via
the descriptor API without implementing a Descriptor.

These are the problems we want to resolve in this FLIP. I'm looking
to your comments.



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