Thanks for the update.

The FLIP looks good, I think it is time to vote.


On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 3:21 PM Dawid Wysakowicz <>

> Hi Jark,
> Ad. 1
> Personally I don't see any benefit of having the specific descriptors
> (KafkaDescriptor/ElasticDescriptor/...). E.g. the KafkaDescriptor would
> not differ at all from other descriptors. I don't think returning always
> a TableDescriptor would be confusing for users. Therefore I am very much
> in favour of simplifying it.
> Ad. 2
> Honestly, here we are discussing personal preferences. Let's go with
> your original suggestion. I am not strong on this.
> Ad. 3
> My personal take is that in this case the digest should not include a
> table identifier as we don't have one. I could see the digest being
> calculated from the properties/CatalogTable. That way you would have the
> same digest for all inline tables with the same properties. In your
> approach two scans of the same descriptor will have different digests.
> (I am not saying this is particularly wrong, but different from
> scan("test") ). Similarly, we do not register filters/joins/groupings
> under generated names just to compute the digest. One additional problem
> you will have is you will need to add handling of that special tables
> when e.g. listing tables.
> Nevertheless I don't want to block the progress on this. I'd appreciate
> though if you consider that again during the implementation.
> Best,
> Dawid
> On 23/07/2020 16:56, Jark Wu wrote:
> > Hi Timo,
> >
> > That's a good point I missed in the design. I have updated the FLIP and
> > added a note under the `KafkaConnector` to mention this.
> > I will not list all the method names in the FLIP as the design doc is
> super
> > long now.
> >
> > ================================================================
> > Hi Dawid,
> >
> > 1) KafkaConnector not extends TableDescriptor
> > The reason why KafkaConnector extends TableDescriptor is that, a builder
> > pattern "KafkaConnector.newBuilder()" should return
> > "KafkaConnector" in theory.
> > So users can write something like the following code which might be
> > more intuitive.
> >
> > KafkaConnector kafka = KafkaConnector.newBuilder();
> > tEnv.createTemporaryTable("MyTable", kafka);
> >
> > But I agree connector implementation will be simpler if this is not
> > strongly needed, e.g. we don't need the generic type for descriptor,
> > we don't need to pass the descriptor class in the builder. So I'm also
> fine
> > to not extend it if others don't against it. What's your opinion here
> @Timo
> > Walther <> ?
> >
> > 2) LikeOptions
> > I am not very satisfied with the new design. Because the API is not very
> > fluent. Users will be interrupted to consider what the `overwrite()`
> > parameter to be.
> > And the API design doesn't protect users from using the wrong options
> > before running the code.
> > What about to list all possible options in one level? This will be more
> > aligned with SQL DDL and easy to understand and use for users.
> >
> > public enum LikeOption {
> >
> >
> > }
> >
> > 3) register the table under a generated table path
> > I'm afraid we have to do that. The generated table path is still needed
> for
> > `TableSourceTable#tableIdentifier` which is used to calculate the digest.
> > This requires that the registered table must have an unique identifier.
> The
> > old `TableSourceQueryOperation` will also generate the identifier
> according
> >  to the hashcode of the TableSource object. However, the generated
> > identifier "Unregistered_TableSource_1234" is still possible to be in
> > conflict with
> > the user's table path. Therefore, I prefer to register the generated name
> > in the (temporary) catalog to throw explicit exceptions, rather than
> > generating a wrong plan.
> >
> > ================================================================
> > Hi @Leonard Xu <> and @Jingsong Li <
> >  ,
> >
> > Do you have other concerns on the latest FLIP and the above discussion?
> >
> > Best,
> > Jark
> >
> > On Thu, 23 Jul 2020 at 18:26, Dawid Wysakowicz <>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Jark,
> >>
> >> Thanks for the update. I think the FLIP looks really well on the high
> >> level.
> >>
> >> I have a few comments to the code structure in the FLIP:
> >>
> >> 1) I really don't like how the TableDescriptor exposes protected fields.
> >> Moreover why do we need to extend from it? I don't think we need
> >> KafkaConnector extends TableDescriptor and alike. We only need the
> builders
> >> e.g. the KafkaConnectorBuilder.
> >>
> >> If I understand it correctly this is the interface needed from the
> >> TableEnvironment perspective and it is the contract that the
> >> TableEnvironment expects. I would suggest making it an interface:
> >> @PublicEvolving
> >> public interface TableDescriptor {
> >>     List<String> getPartitionedFields();
> >>       Schema getSchema();
> >>     Map<String, String> getOptions();
> >>     LikeOption[] getLikeOptions();
> >>     String getLikePath();
> >> }
> >>
> >> Then the TableDescriptorBuilder would work with an internal
> implementation
> >> of this interface
> >> @PublicEvolving
> >> public abstract class TableDescriptorBuilder<BUILDER extends
> TableDescriptorBuilder<BUILDER>>
> >> {
> >>
> >>     private final InternalTableDescriptor descriptor = new
> >> InternalTableDescriptor();
> >>
> >>     /**
> >>      * Returns the this builder instance in the type of subclass.
> >>      */
> >>     protected abstract BUILDER self();
> >>
> >>     /**
> >>      * Specifies the table schema.
> >>      */
> >>     public BUILDER schema(Schema schema) {
> >>         descriptor.schema = schema;
> >>         return self();
> >>     }
> >>
> >>     /**
> >>      * Specifies the partition keys of this table.
> >>      */
> >>     public BUILDER partitionedBy(String... fieldNames) {
> >>         checkArgument(descriptor.partitionedFields.isEmpty(),
> "partitionedBy(...)
> >> shouldn't be called more than once.");
> >>         descriptor.partitionedFields.addAll(Arrays.asList(fieldNames));
> >>         return self();
> >>     }
> >>
> >>     /**
> >>      * Extends some parts from the original registered table path.
> >>      */
> >>     public BUILDER like(String tablePath, LikeOption... likeOptions) {
> >>         descriptor.likePath = tablePath;
> >>         descriptor.likeOptions = likeOptions;
> >>         return self();
> >>     }
> >>
> >>     protected BUILDER option(String key, String value) {
> >>         descriptor.options.put(key, value);
> >>         return self();
> >>     }
> >>
> >>     /**
> >>      * Returns created table descriptor.
> >>      */
> >>     public TableDescriptor build() {
> >>         return descriptor;
> >>     }
> >> }
> >>
> >>
> >> 2) I'm also not the biggest fun of how the LikeOptions are suggested in
> >> the doc. Can't we have something more like
> >>
> >> class LikeOption {
> >>
> >>     public enum MergingStrategy {
> >>         INCLUDING,
> >>         EXCLUDING,
> >>         OVERWRITING
> >>     }
> >>
> >>     public enum FeatureOption {
> >>         ALL,
> >>         CONSTRAINTS,
> >>         GENERATED,
> >>         OPTIONS,
> >>         PARTITIONS,
> >>         WATERMARKS
> >>     }
> >>
> >>     private final MergingStrategy mergingStrategy;
> >>     private final FeatureOption featureOption;
> >>
> >>
> >>     public static final LikeOption including(FeatureOption option) {
> >>
> >>         return new LikeOption(MergingStrategy.INCLUDING, option);
> >>
> >>     }
> >>
> >>     public static final LikeOption overwriting(FeatureOption option) {
> >>
> >>         Preconditions.checkArgument(option != ALL && ...);
> >>
> >>         return new LikeOption(MergingStrategy.INCLUDING, option);
> >>
> >>     }
> >>
> >> }
> >>
> >>
> >> 3) TableEnvironment#from(descriptor) will register descriptor under a
> >> system generated table path (just like TableImpl#toString) first, and
> scan
> >> from the table path to derive the Table. Table#executeInsert() does it
> in
> >> the similar way.
> >>
> >> I would try not to register the table under a generated table path. Do
> we
> >> really need that? I am pretty sure we can use the tables without
> >> registering them in a catalog. Similarly to the old
> >> TableSourceQueryOperation.
> >>
> >> Otherwise looks good
> >>
> >> Best,
> >>
> >> Dawid
> >>
> >> On 23/07/2020 10:35, Timo Walther wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Jark,
> >>
> >> thanks for the update. I think the FLIP is in a really good shape now
> and
> >> ready to be voted. If others have no further comments?
> >>
> >> I have one last comment around the methods of the descriptor builders.
> >> When refactoring classes such as `KafkaConnector` or
> >> `ElasticsearchConnector`. We should align the method names with the new
> >> property names introduced in FLIP-122:
> >>
> >> KafkaConnector.newBuilder()
> >>   // similar to scan.startup.mode=earliest-offset
> >>   .scanStartupModeEarliest()
> >>   // similar to sink.partitioner=round-robin
> >>   .sinkPartitionerRoundRobin()
> >>
> >> What do you think?
> >>
> >> Thanks for driving this,
> >> Timo
> >>
> >>
> >> On 22.07.20 17:26, Jark Wu wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> After some offline discussion with other people, I'm also fine with
> using
> >> the builder pattern now,
> >>   even though I still think the `.build()` method is a little verbose in
> >> the
> >> user code.
> >>
> >> I have updated the FLIP with following changes:
> >>
> >> 1) use builder pattern instead of "new" keyword. In order to avoid
> >> duplicate code and reduce development burden for connector developers,
> >>       I introduced abstract classes `TableDescriptorBuilder` and
> >> `FormatDescriptorBuilder`.
> >>      All the common methods are pre-defined in the base builder class,
> all
> >> the custom descriptor builder should extend from the base builder
> classes.
> >>      And we can add more methods into the base builder class in the
> future
> >> without changes in the connectors.
> >> 2) use Expression instead of SQL expression string for computed column
> and
> >> watermark strategy
> >> 3) use `watermark(rowtime, expr)` as the watermark method.
> >> 4) `Schema.column()` accepts `AbstractDataType` instead of `DataType`
> >> 5) drop Schema#proctime and
> >> Schema#watermarkFor#boundedOutOfOrderTimestamps
> >>
> >> A full example will look like this:
> >>
> >> tEnv.createTemporaryTable(
> >>      "MyTable",
> >>      KafkaConnector.newBuilder()
> >>          .version("0.11")
> >>          .topic("user_logs")
> >>          .property("bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
> >>          .property("", "test-group")
> >>          .startFromEarliest()
> >>          .sinkPartitionerRoundRobin()
> >>
> .format(JsonFormat.newBuilder().ignoreParseErrors(false).build())
> >>          .schema(
> >>              Schema.newBuilder()
> >>                  .column("user_id", DataTypes.BIGINT())
> >>                  .column("user_name", DataTypes.STRING())
> >>                  .column("score", DataTypes.DECIMAL(10, 2))
> >>                  .column("log_ts", DataTypes.STRING())
> >>                  .column("part_field_0", DataTypes.STRING())
> >>                  .column("part_field_1", DataTypes.INT())
> >>                  .column("proc", proctime()) // define a processing-time
> >> attribute with column name "proc"
> >>                  .column("ts", toTimestamp($("log_ts")))
> >>                  .watermark("ts", $("ts").minus(lit(3).seconds()))
> >>                  .primaryKey("user_id")
> >>                  .build())
> >>          .partitionedBy("part_field_0", "part_field_1")  // Kafka
> doesn't
> >> support partitioned table yet, this is just an example for the API
> >>          .build()
> >> );
> >>
> >> I hope this resolves all your concerns. Welcome for further feedback!
> >>
> >> Updated FLIP:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> POC:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Best,
> >> Jark
> >>
> >> On Thu, 16 Jul 2020 at 20:18, Jark Wu <>
> >> <> wrote:
> >>
> >> Thank you all for the discussion!
> >>
> >> Here are my comments:
> >>
> >> 2) I agree we should support Expression as a computed column. But I'm in
> >> favor of Leonard's point that maybe we can also support SQL string
> >> expression as a computed column.
> >> Because it also keeps aligned with DDL. The concern for Expression is
> that
> >> converting Expression to SQL string, or (de)serializing Expression is
> >> another topic not clear and may involve lots of work.
> >> Maybe we can support Expression later if time permits.
> >>
> >> 6,7) I still prefer the "new" keyword over builder. I don't think
> >> immutable is a strong reason. I care more about usability and experience
> >> from users and devs perspective.
> >>    - Users need to type more words if using builder:
> >> `KafkaConnector.newBuilder()`  vs `new KafkaConnector()...`
> >>    - It's more difficult for developers to write a descriptor.  2
> classes
> >> (KafkaConnector and KafkaConnectorBuilder) + 5 more methods (builders,
> >> schema, partitionedBy, like, etc..).
> >>      With the "new" keyword all the common methods are defined by the
> >> framework.
> >>    - It's hard to have the same API style for different connectors,
> >> because
> >> the common methods are defined by users. For example, some may have
> >> `withSchema`, `partitionKey`, `withLike`, etc...
> >>
> >> 8) I'm -1 to `ConfigOption`. The ConfigOption is not used on
> `JsonFormat`,
> >> but the generic `Connector#option`. This doesn't work when using format
> >> options.
> >>
> >> new Connector("kafka")
> >>   .option(JsonOptions.IGNORE_PARSE_ERRORS, true);   // this is wrong,
> >> because "kafka" requires "json.ignore-parse-errors" as the option key,
> not
> >> the "ignore-parse-errors".
> >>
> >>
> >> ========================================
> >> Hi Timo, regarding having a complete new stack, I have thought about
> that.
> >> But I still prefer to refactor the existing stack. Reasons:
> >> Because I think it will be more confusing if users will see two similar
> >> stacks and may have many problems if using the wrong class.
> >> For example, we may have two `Schema` and `TableDescriptor` classes. The
> >> `KafkaConnector` can't be used in legacy `connect()` API,
> >> the legacy `Kafka` class can't be used in the new
> `createTemporaryTable()`
> >> API.
> >> Besides, the existing API has been deprecated in 1.11, I think it's fine
> >> to remove them in 1.12.
> >>
> >>
> >> Best,
> >> Jark
> >>
> >>
> >> On Thu, 16 Jul 2020 at 15:26, Jingsong Li <>
> >> <> wrote:
> >>
> >> Thanks for the discussion.
> >>
> >> Descriptor lacks the watermark and the computed column is too long.
> >>
> >> 1) +1 for just `column(...)`
> >>
> >> 2) +1 for being consistent with Table API, the Java Table API should be
> >> Expression DSL. We don't need pure string support, users should just use
> >> DDL instead. I think this is just a schema descriptor? The schema
> >> descriptor should be consistent with DDL, so, definitely, it should
> >> contain computed columns information.
> >>
> >> 3) +1 for not containing Schema#proctime and
> >> Schema#watermarkFor#boundedOutOfOrderTimestamps, we can just leave them
> in
> >> legacy apis.
> >>
> >> 6,7) +1 for removing "new" and builder and making it immutable, For
> Jark,
> >> the starting method is the static method, the others are not.
> >>
> >> 8) +1 for `ConfigOption`, this can be consistent with `WritableConfig`.
> >> For Leonard, I don't think user needs “”
> rather
> >> than “fail-on-missing-field”, user should
> >> need “fail-on-missing-field” rather than “",
> the
> >> recommended way is "JsonFormat.newInstance().option(....)", should
> >> configure options in the format scope.
> >>
> >> Best,
> >> Jingsong
> >>
> >> On Wed, Jul 15, 2020 at 9:30 PM Leonard Xu <>
> >> <> wrote:
> >>
> >> Thanks Jark bring this discussion and organize the FLIP document.
> >>
> >> Thanks Dawid and Timo for the feedback. Here are my thoughts.
> >>
> >> 1)  I’m +1 with using column() for both cases.
> >>
> >> 2) Expression DSL vs pure SQL string for computed columns
> >>
> >> I think we can support them both and implement the pure SQL String
> first,
> >> I agree that Expression DSL brings more possibility and flexibility, but
> >> using SQL string is a more unified way which can reuse most logic with
> >> like validation and persist in Catalog,
> >> and Converting Expression DSL to SQL Expression is another big topic and
> >> I did not figure out a feasible idea until now.
> >> So, maybe we can postpone the Expression DSL support considered the
> >> reality.
> >>
> >> 3) Methods Schema#proctime and
> >> Schema#watermarkFor#boundedOutOfOrderTimestamps
> >>
> >>   +1 with Dawid’s proposal to offer SQL like methods.
> >>   Schema()
> >>      .column("proctime", proctime());
> >>      .watermarkFor("rowtime", $("rowtime").minus(lit(3).seconds()))
> >> And we can simplify watermarkFor(“colName”, Expression
> >> watermarkStrategy)to watermark(“colName”, Expression
> watermarkStrategy), I
> >> think the later one has can express the meaning of “ WATERMARK FOR
> >> column_name AS watermark_strategy_expression“ well.
> >>
> >> 5)6)7) The new keyword vs the static method vs builder pattern
> >>
> >> I have not strong tendency,  the new keyword and the static method on
> >> descriptor can nearly treated as a builder  and do same things like
> >> builder.
> >> For the builder pattern, we will introduce six
> >> methods(connector.Builder()、, format.Builder(),
> >>, Schema.Builder(), ),I
> think
> >> we could reduce these unnecessary methods.  I ‘m slightly +1 for new
> >> keyword if we need a choice.
> >>
> >> 8) `Connector.option(...)` class should also accept `ConfigOption`
> >> I’m slightly -1 for this, ConfigOption may not work because the key for
> >> format configOption has not format prefix eg: FAIL_ON_MISSING_FIELD of
> >> json, we need “” rather than
> >> “fail-on-missing-field”.
> >>
> >> public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> FAIL_ON_MISSING_FIELD =
> >> ConfigOptions
> >>          .key("fail-on-missing-field")
> >>          .booleanType()
> >>          .defaultValue(false)
> >>
> >> WDYT?
> >>
> >> Best,
> >> Leonard Xu
> >>
> >>
> >> 在 2020年7月15日,16:37,Timo Walther <> <
> >> 写道:
> >>
> >> Hi Jark,
> >>
> >> thanks for working on this issue. It is time to fix this last part of
> >>
> >> inconsistency in the API. I also like the core parts of the FLIP, esp.
> >> that
> >> TableDescriptor is one entity that can be passed to different methods.
> >> Here
> >> is some feedback from my side:
> >>
> >>
> >> 1) +1 for just `column(...)`
> >>
> >> 2) Expression DSL vs pure SQL string for computed columns
> >> I agree with Dawid. Using the Expression DSL is desireable for a
> >>
> >> consistent API. Furthermore, otherwise people need to register functions
> >> if
> >> they want to use them in an expression. Refactoring TableSchema is
> >> definitely on the list for 1.12. Maybe we can come up with some
> >> intermediate solution where we transform the expression to a SQL
> >> expression
> >> for the catalog. Until the discussions around FLIP-80 and
> >> CatalogTableSchema have been finalized.
> >>
> >>
> >> 3) Schema#proctime and Schema#watermarkFor#boundedOutOfOrderTimestamps
> >> We should design the descriptor very close to the SQL syntax. The more
> >>
> >> similar the syntax the more likely it is too keep the new descriptor API
> >> stable.
> >>
> >>
> >> 6) static method vs new keyword
> >> Actually, the `new` keyword was one of the things that bothered me
> >>
> >> most in the old design. Fluent APIs avoid this nowadays.
> >>
> >>
> >> 7) make the descriptors immutable with builders
> >> The descriptors are some kind of builders already. But they are not
> >>
> >> called "builder". Instead of coming up with the new concept of a
> >> "descriptor", we should use terminology that people esp. Java/Scala
> users
> >> are familiar with already.
> >>
> >>
> >> We could make the descriptors immutable to pass them around easily.
> >>
> >> Btw "Connector" and "Format" should always be in the classname. This
> >>
> >> was also a mistake in the past. Instead of calling the descriptor just
> >> `Kafka` we could call it `KafkaConnector`. An entire example could look
> >> like:
> >>
> >>
> >> tEnv.createTemporaryTable(
> >>    "OrdersInKafka",
> >>    KafkaConnector.newBuilder() // builder pattern supported by IDE
> >>       .topic("user_logs")
> >>       .property("bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
> >>       .property("", "test-group")
> >>       .format(JsonFormat.newInstance()) // shortcut for no parameters
> >>       .schema(
> >>          Schema.newBuilder()
> >>             .column("user_id", DataTypes.BIGINT())
> >>             .column("score", DataTypes.DECIMAL(10, 2))
> >>             .column("log_ts", DataTypes.TIMESTAMP(3))
> >>             .column("my_ts", toTimestamp($("log_ts"))
> >>             .build()
> >>       )
> >>       .build()
> >> );
> >>
> >> Instead of refacoring the existing classes, we could also think about
> >>
> >> a completly new stack. I think this would avoid confusion for the old
> >> users. We could deprecate the entire `Kafka` class instead of dealing
> with
> >> backwards compatibility.
> >>
> >>
> >> 8) minor extensions
> >> A general `Connector.option(...)` class should also accept
> >>
> >> `ConfigOption` instead of only strings.
> >>
> >> A `Schema.column()` should accept `AbstractDataType` that can be
> >>
> >> resolved to a `DataType` by access to a `DataTypeFactory`.
> >>
> >>
> >> What do you think?
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Timo
> >>
> >>
> >> On 09.07.20 18:51, Jark Wu wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Dawid,
> >> Thanks for the great feedback! Here are my responses:
> >> 1) computedColumn(..) vs column(..)
> >> I'm fine to use `column(..)` in both cases.
> >> 2) Expression DSL vs pure SQL string for computed columns
> >> This is a good point. Actually, I also prefer to use Expression DSL
> >>
> >> because
> >>
> >> this is more Table API style.
> >> However, this requires to modify TableSchema again to accept & expose
> >> Expression as computed columns.
> >> I'm not convinced about this, because AFAIK, we want to have a
> >> CatalogTableSchema to hold this information
> >> and don't want to extend TableSchema. Maybe Timo can give some points
> >>
> >> here.
> >>
> >> Besides, this will make the descriptor API can't be persisted in
> >>
> >> Catalog
> >>
> >> unless FLIP-80 is done.
> >> 3) Schema#proctime and Schema#watermarkFor#boundedOutOfOrderTimestamps
> >> The original intention behind these APIs are providing shortcut APIs
> >>
> >> for
> >>
> >> Table API users.
> >> But I'm also fine to only provide the DDL-like methods if you have
> >> concerns. We can discuss shortcuts in the future if users request.
> >> 4) LikeOption
> >> LikeOption.INCLUDING.ALL is a constant (enum values). I have added
> >>
> >> more
> >>
> >> description about this in the FLIP.
> >> 5) implementation?
> >> I don't want to mention too much about implementation details in the
> >>
> >> FLIP
> >>
> >> at the beginning, because the API is already very long.
> >> But I also added an "Implementation" section to explain them.
> >> 6) static method vs new keyword
> >> Personally I prefer the new keyword because it makes the API cleaner.
> >>
> >> If we
> >>
> >> want remove new keyword and use static methods, we have to:
> >> Either adding a `Schema.builder()/create()` method as the starting
> >>
> >> method,
> >>
> >> Or duplicating all the methods as static methods, e.g. we have 12
> >>
> >> methods
> >>
> >> in `Kafka`, any of them can be a starting method, then we will have 24
> >> methods in `Kafka`.
> >> Both are not good, and it's hard to keep all the descriptors having
> >>
> >> the
> >>
> >> same starting method name, but all the descriptors can start from the
> >>
> >> same
> >>
> >> new keyword.
> >> Best,
> >> Jark
> >> On Thu, 9 Jul 2020 at 15:48, Dawid Wysakowicz <
> >>
> >>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> Correction to my point 4. The example is correct. I did not read it
> >> carefully enough. Sorry for the confusion. Nevertheless I'd still
> >>
> >> like
> >>
> >> to see a bit more explanation on the LikeOptions.
> >>
> >> On 07/07/2020 04:32, Jark Wu wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi everyone,
> >>
> >> Leonard and I prepared a FLIP about refactoring current Descriptor
> >>
> >> API,
> >>
> >> i.e. TableEnvironment#connect(). We would like to propose a new
> >>
> >> descriptor
> >>
> >> API to register connectors in Table API.
> >>
> >> Since Flink 1.9, the community focused more on the new SQL DDL
> >>
> >> feature.
> >>
> >> After a series of releases, the SQL DDL is powerful and has many
> >>
> >> rich
> >>
> >> features now. However, Descriptor API (the
> >>
> >> `TableEnvironment#connect()`)
> >>
> >> has been stagnant for a long time and missing lots of core
> >>
> >> features, such
> >>
> >> as computed columns and primary keys. That's frustrating for Table
> >>
> >> API
> >>
> >> users who want to register tables programmatically. Besides,
> >>
> >> currently, a
> >>
> >> connector must implement a corresponding Descriptor (e.g. `new
> >>
> >> Kafka()`)
> >>
> >> before using the "connect" API. Therefore, we hope to reduce this
> >>
> >> effort
> >>
> >> for connector developers, that custom source/sinks can be
> >>
> >> registered via
> >>
> >> the descriptor API without implementing a Descriptor.
> >>
> >> These are the problems we want to resolve in this FLIP. I'm looking
> >>
> >> forward
> >>
> >> to your comments.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Best,
> >> Jark
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Best, Jingsong Lee
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>

Best, Jingsong Lee

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