I had this in the inital design, but Jark had concerns at least for the `toChangelogStream(ChangelogMode)` (see earlier discussion).

`fromDataStream(dataStream, schema, changelogMode)` would be possible.

But in this case I would vote for a symmetric API. If we keep toChangelogStream we should also have a fromChangelogStream.

And if we unify `toChangelogStream` and `toDataStream`, retractions cannot be represented for non-Rows and users will experience duplicate records with a missing changeflag.


On 09.09.20 09:31, Danny Chan wrote:
“But I think the planner needs to
know whether the input is insert-only or not.”

Does fromDataStream(dataStream, schema, changelogMode)

solve your concerns ?  People can pass around whatever ChangelogMode they like 
as an optional param.
By default: fromDataStream(dataStream, schema), the ChangelogMode is INSERT.

Danny Chan
在 2020年9月9日 +0800 PM2:53,dev@flink.apache.org,写道:

But I think the planner needs to
know whether the input is insert-only or not.

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