Thanks Timo ~

“No this is not possible, because T records have no changeflag. Without a
changeflag, a ChangelogMode makes not much sense. “

I agree, but just distinguish the different ChangelogMode with a renamed API 
still does not resolve the problem either,
an API change compared to an additional parameter, i would choose the later.

“However, with
a schema you cannot specify the data type of the top-level record

What is a “top-level record “ ? Do you mean the physical type of the record ? 
From a Schema we can infer its original type though.

“Is it possible to keep using `fromDataStream(DataStream, Expression…)`”

From the SQL side, an Expression list usually means a computation (projection) 
there, while here we actually want to define the schema of the stream(which is 
static). Compared to "fromInsertStream(DataStream).select()”, they actually 
indicate the same thing from the API level, although I would not vote 
`fromDataStream(DataStream, Expression…)` it is still better than 

Danny Chan
在 2020年9月2日 +0800 PM4:19,Timo Walther <>,写道:
> Hi everyone
> thanks for your feedback. It's a lot of content that needs to be
> digested. I will update the FLIP shortly to incorporate some of the
> feedback already. But let me respond to some topics first:
> "not deprecate these API", "the API of the table layer is changing too fast"
> I agree that deprecating API is definitely not great for users, but in
> this cases I think it is for the greater good it makes the API more
> understandable and focuses on common use cases for the future. I would
> rather say that the API is about to settle because there only a couple
> of shortcomings left and the bigger picture is clearer than ever. IMO
> The proposed changes are one of the last bigger API changes on the
> roadmap. I cannot see other bigger refactorings in the mid-term. Keeping
> methods just because we changed so much in the last releases should not
> be a reason to keep confusing API. Users are happy to upgrade if they
> also get more features by upgrading (e.g. fromChangelogStream).
> 1. "fromDataStream VS fromInsertStream"
> The main reason to change this API is to have the possibility to update
> the type mapping without breaking backwards compatibility. The name
> `fromInsertStream` makes it possible to have new semantics and makes
> concepts more explicit by naming.
> 2. "toAppendStream VS toInsertStream"
> "Append" is common in the Flink community but the outside world uses
> "insert". Actually, the term "append-only table" is wrong because SQL
> tables have bag semantics without any order. So "appending" is more of
> an "insertion". This is also represented in FLIP-95's `RowKind` where we
> call the concepts INSERT and `ChangelogKind.insertOnly`.
> 3. "`.rowtime()` and `.proctime()`"
> "API is also widely used, even in our test code"
> The test code is already quite outdated and uses a lot of deprecated
> API. We need to deal with that with a better testing infrastructure. But
> this can be future work.
> "users have already accepted it"
> I'm not sure if users have already accepted it. I think we get at least
> one question around this topic every week because users would like to
> call `.rowtime` on arbitrary timestamps in the middle of the pipeline.
> And specifying all fields just to give the StreamRecord timestamp a name
> should be made easier. This is necessary in 80% of all use cases.
> 4. "toAppendStream(Table table, Class<T>/TypeInformation)"
> The DataType system is way easier than the TypeInformation system
> because it provides a consistent look and feel with a lot of utilities.
> E.g. many users didn't know that they can just pass `Row.class` in the
> past. Actually extracting types from a `Row.class` is not supported by
> the TypeExtractor (we recently even printed a warning to the logs) but
> we hacked some logic into the method. With AbstractDataType, users can
> still use classes via `DataTypes.of`; for example
> `toInsertStream(DataTypes.of(MyPojo.class))`.
> 5. "tEnv#createTemporaryView was introduced in release-1.10"
> Similar to `TableEnvironment.execute()` we did some mistakes during the
> big refactorings. IMHO tEnv#createTemporaryView was one mistake because
> we introduced it too quickly. In general this method is correct, but now
> we cannot change the underlying semantics again without breaking
> existing pipelines. We could keep this method and just change the type
> system under the hood, in most of the cases the pipeline should still
> work but we cannot guarantee this due to slight differences.
> 6. "could it be "StreamTableEnvironment.fromDataStream(DataStream<T>,
> ChangelogMode)"
> No this is not possible, because T records have no changeflag. Without a
> changeflag, a ChangelogMode makes not much sense. That's why
> `from/toChangelogStream` supports only `Row` whereas the
> `from/toInsertStream` accepts arbitrary type classes.
> 7. "i must say I prefer tEnv.fromDataStream(dataStream, Schema)"
> I also thought about this method and using `Schema` there. However, with
> a schema you cannot specify the data type of the top-level record
> itself. We would need to offer fromDataStream(dataStream, Schema,
> DataType) or integrate the DataType into the Schema class itself which
> would mix up the concepts.
> 8. "name-based setters should always be based on fieldNames"
> I'm fine with throwing an exception. If my mentioned semantics, are too
> confusing.
> Regards,
> Timo
> On 02.09.20 07:25, Jingsong Li wrote:
> > > a Row has two modes represented by an internal boolean flag
> > `hasFieldOrder`
> >
> > +1 confusion with Dawid that what's the result when index-based setters and
> > name-based setters are mixed used.
> > And name-based setters look like append instead of set.
> >
> > It reminds me of Avro's `GenericRecord`, We should support real random
> > name-based setters instead of append.
> >
> > So, what I think is, name-based setters should always be based
> > on fieldNames just like name-based getters. Otherwise, throw an exception.
> >
> > Best,
> > Jingsong
> >
> > On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 12:43 PM Danny Chan <> wrote:
> >
> > > Timo, Thanks for the discussion
> > >
> > > I have only read the "Conversion of DataStream to Table" part so i would
> > > only put some objections there ~
> > >
> > > > StreamTableEnvironment.fromInsertStream(DataStream<T>): Table
> > >
> > > At first glance, from the perspective of a user, i'm confused by why we
> > > must dintinguish on the API level what a data stream is, e.g. an insert
> > > stream or whatever other kind of stream.
> > >
> > > As a user, he does not expect to must distinguish between several
> > > datastream options. The framework should have the ability to infer the
> > > ChangelogMode of the stream, but sadly we can not at the moment, becase we
> > > do not have a metadata to describe the ChangelogMode what actually the
> > > framework need.
> > >
> > > And could it be:
> > >
> > > StreamTableEnvironment.fromDataStream(DataStream<T>, ChangelogMode) where
> > > the ChanglogMode is optional because 90% of the datastream are insert for
> > > now.
> > >
> > > or:
> > >
> > > DataStream.withChangelogMode(ChangelogMode) so that DataStream can be
> > > self-describing what kind of stream it is (again, if not specified, the
> > > default is INSERT).
> > >
> > > > tEnv
> > > > .fromInsertStream(DataStream<T>)
> > > > .select('*, system_rowtime().as("rowtime"),
> > > system_proctime().as(“proctime”))
> > >
> > > In order to declare the time-attributes on datastream, i must say I prefer
> > >
> > > tEnv.fromDataStream(dataStream, Schema) for these reasons:
> > >
> > > - Schema is the uniform interface to declare the metadata for a table in
> > > the Table/SQL API, with an imperative coding style, in Descriptor API we
> > > also use it for the time-attributes purpose
> > > - Use a projection for time-attributes is not a good idea, because from
> > > the SQL side, we declare it as a metadata of part of the table schema when
> > > we define the DDL. Although we may explain the DDL internally using
> > > computed column, that does not mean we must do that in the DataStream API
> > > explicitly. In the SQL world, no projection function outputs type of
> > > time-attribute, we better still put the time-attributes in the scope of 
> > > the
> > > table metadata.
> > >
> > > Best,
> > > Danny Chan
> > > 在 2020年8月19日 +0800 PM4:22,Timo Walther <>,写道:
> > > > Hi everyone,
> > > >
> > > > I would like to propose a FLIP that aims to resolve the remaining
> > > > shortcomings in the Table API:
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > The Table API has received many new features over the last year. It
> > > > supports a new type system (FLIP-37), connectors support changelogs
> > > > (FLIP-95), we have well defined internal data structures (FLIP-95),
> > > > support for result retrieval in an interactive fashion (FLIP-84), and
> > > > soon new TableDescriptors (FLIP-129).
> > > >
> > > > However, the interfaces from and to DataStream API have not been touched
> > > > during the introduction of these new features and are kind of outdated.
> > > > The interfaces lack important functionality that is available in Table
> > > > API but not exposed to DataStream API users. DataStream API is still our
> > > > most important API which is why a good interoperability is crucial.
> > > >
> > > > This FLIP is a mixture of different topics that improve the
> > > > interoperability between DataStream and Table API in terms of:
> > > >
> > > > - DataStream <-> Table conversion
> > > > - translation of type systems TypeInformation <-> DataType
> > > > - schema definition (incl. rowtime, watermarks, primary key)
> > > > - changelog handling
> > > > - row handling in DataStream API
> > > >
> > > > I'm looking forward to your feedback.
> > > >
> > > > Regards,
> > > > Timo
> > >
> >
> >

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