Thanks for launching the discussion and the FLIP, Rui!

It is really nice to see our continuous efforts for compatibility with Hive and 
benefiting users in this area.
I am only curious that are there any other compatible limitations for Hive 
users after this FLIP? Or can I say that the Hive compatibility is completely 
resolved after this FLIP?
I am interested in the ultimate goal in this area. Maybe it is out of this FLIP 
scope, but still wish some insights from you if possible. :)


From:Rui Li <>
Send Time:2020年12月10日(星期四) 16:46
To:dev <>
Subject:Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-152: Hive Query Syntax Compatibility

Thanks Kurt for your inputs!

I agree we should extend Hive code to support non-Hive tables. I have
updated the wiki page to remove the limitations you mentioned, and add
typical use cases in the "Motivation" section.

Regarding comment #b, the interface is defined in flink-table-planner-blink
and only used by the blink planner. So I think "BlinkParserFactory" is a
better name, WDYT?

On Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 12:28 PM Kurt Young <> wrote:

> Thanks Rui for starting this discussion.
> I can see the benefit that we improve hive compatibility further, as quite
> some users are asking for this
> feature in mailing lists [1][2][3] and some online chatting tools such as
> DingTalk.
> I have 3 comments regarding to the design doc:
> a) Could you add a section to describe the typical use case you want to
> support after this feature is introduced?
> In that way, users can also have an impression how to use this feature and
> what the behavior and outcome will be.
> b) Regarding the naming: "BlinkParserFactory", I suggest renaming it to
> "FlinkParserFactory".
> c) About the two limitations you mentioned:
>     1. Only works with Hive tables and the current catalog needs to be a
> HiveCatalog.
>     2. Queries cannot involve tables/views from multiple catalogs.
> I assume this is because hive parser and analyzer doesn't support
> referring to a name with "x.y.z" fashion? Since
> we can control all the behaviors by leveraging the codes hive currently
> use. Is it possible that we can remove such
> limitations? The reason is I'm not sure if users can make the whole story
> work purely depending on hive catalog (that's
> the reason why I gave comment #a). If multiple catalogs are involved, with
> this limitation I don't think any meaningful
> pipeline could be built. For example, users want to stream data from Kafka
> to Hive, fully use hive's dialect including
> query part. The kafka table could be a temporary table or saved in default
> memory catalog.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> Best,
> Kurt
> On Wed, Dec 2, 2020 at 10:02 PM Rui Li <> wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I'd like to start a discussion about providing HiveQL compatibility for
> > users connecting to a hive warehouse. FLIP-123 has already covered most
> > DDLs. So now it's time to complement the other big missing part --
> queries.
> > With FLIP-152, the hive dialect covers more scenarios and makes it even
> > easier for users to migrate to Flink. More details are in the FLIP wiki
> > page [1]. Looking forward to your feedback!
> >
> > [1]
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Best regards!
> > Rui Li
> >

Best regards!
Rui Li

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