Hey everyone, I'm looking to get the full set of unit tests working using AdoptOpenJDK 11 with the OpenJ9 VM and I'm basically seeing problems with the runtime tests (always going OoM creating new threads) and I'd also like to have a go at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-21672.
That being said... how do I run just the one test, or a set of tests in the one package? What are you doing to achieve this? For Apache Spark I remember using mvn -fn -DwildcardSuites=org.apache.spark test (the suite name), but with Flink that doesn't give me what I want (lots more tests run, it's like the option is ignored - this was several years ago now though). I've also tried using Maven's ! directive but to no avail, I've been through and tried https://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-surefire-plugin/examples/single-test.html, and I've also tried mvn -Dtest=org.apache.flink.runtime* -fn test I'm wondering if anyone has an awesome example and could potentially add it to https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/Setting+up+a+Flink+development+environment as well please. While I'm here... I did notice as well that we mention Java 8 - I assume this can be Java 8 *or* 11? Or should it just say 11? Any thoughts/suggestions would be awesome, thanks!