Hi Xuyang,

Great feedback on the early days of this FLIP! 

With respect to the Source question, definitely want to add a source connector 
in collaboration with the getindata folks below in this thread. We will 
collaborate to make HTTP source changes.

I agree that FLIP-171 is the cornerstone of this idea and this was the original 
inspiration for building out this connector. As we welcome additional 
collaborators the additional functionality will come, including source 
connector, additional request builder utilities and Table / SQL API.

I will add a simple example once the connector interface is fully realized.

Thank you so much!

- Jeremy

On 6/1/22, 9:30 PM, "Xuyang" <xyzhong...@163.com> wrote:

    CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not 
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content is safe.

    Hi, Jeremy, thanks for driving this work. I have noticed that there have 
been a lot of users that need a official HTTP connector from user-email.
    I have some comments about this Flip.

    * The title is "Introduce HTTP Connector", but it seems that this FLIP only 
contains the content of HTTP sink. Is your purpose only about sink and does 
this flip not involve HTTPSource?
    I think you can change the title or add some descriptions about HTTPSource. 
What do you think?

    * I notice that your only attach the FLIP-171 here and left only one method 
as HTTPSink function.
    I think it lacks some logic about how to build a Request or deal with the 
Response just Austin says. That seems that the FLIP-171 is only the cornerstone 
of this flip, and the more extra changes about design different with FLIP-171 
should be reflected here.

    * Because there will be a long way to go about this Flip, I aggree that in 
the initial version we can support HTTP Sink in DataStream Api only ; )

    * IMO, a simple example added in the end of the flip is necessary.




    在 2022-06-01 23:32:50,"Krzysztof Chmielewski" 
<krzysiek.chmielew...@gmail.com> 写道:
    >Hello Jeremy,
    >I'm the original author and currently main contributor to our HTTP
    >connector [1] that Maciej wrote about.
    >I'm more than happy to help and get this going.
    >Should you have any questions about our implementation feel free to contact
    >[1]: https://github.com/getindata/flink-http-connector
    >Best Regards,
    >Krzysztof Chmielewski
    >On 2022/06/01 06:38:55 Maciej Bryński wrote:
    >> Hi Jeremy,
    >> We as GetinData already started some work related with HTTP connector.
    >> As a first step we created HTTP Source [1] described in blog post here
    >> During next 3 months we are planning to create HTTP Sink based on Flink
    >1.15 new Async Sink API.
    >> How can we help with making this sink “official” ?
    >> Regards,
    >> Maciek
    >> [1]:
    >> https://github.com/getindata/flink-http-connector
    >> [2]:
    >> On 2022/05/17 14:21:31 "Ber, Jeremy" wrote:
    >> > Hi there, We would like to start a discussion thread on FLIP-233:
    >Introduce HTTP Connector<
    >where we propose to create a connector for delivering arbitrary data
    >packets from Apache Flink to an HTTP Endpoint.  This connector will give
    >users flexibility to deliver data to any destination which supports REST
    >endpoints. This includes REST APIs, Amazon Lambda, users internal or
    >external consumers, among other options.
    >> >
    >> > Looking forward to your feedback.
    >> >
    >> > Thank you,
    >> > Jeremy Ber
    >> >
    >> >
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    >dla systemu Windows

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