I'm curious how the RC automation works now - is it fully automatic?  For 
example, a RC Debian image gets created, something like:
 and is pushed to ghcr.io … then that's used in the rc helm chart?

If that's all automated, then that rc candidate operator image value must be 
stored as a variable, and could be utilized to build the OLM bundle as well 
with the same rc operator image.  Then the bundle and catalog could be pushed 
to ghcr.io for testing.

If it's not automated, then in the manual steps, there could a few steps added 
to set the rc operator image value prior to running the bundle creation, then 
manually pushing the bundle and catalog to ghcr.io for testing.

Thanks, Jim
James Busche | Sr. Software Engineer, Watson AI and Data Open Technology | 
408-460-0737 | jbus...@us.ibm.com<mailto:jbus...@us.ibm.com>

From: Hao t Chang <htch...@us.ibm.com>
Date: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 at 2:55 PM
To: dev@flink.apache.org <dev@flink.apache.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [DISCUSS] OLM Bundles for Flink Kubernetes Operator
Hi Gyula,

Agree, we should include the bundle file and let community inspect them in the 
staging repo. In addition, people can do a few things to test the bundle files.
1.            Run CI test suits 
(https://github.com/tedhtchang/olm#run-ci-test-suits-before-creating-pr ) with 
the bundle files directly.
2.            Deploy operator with OLM (requires the bundle image in a registry)
3.            Test operators upgrade from the previous version with 
OLM(requires both bundle and catalog image in a registry)

For 2 and 3, it’s better to build a bundle and catalog images as part of the 
staging. For example, during the next release(1.3.0-rc1), temporally push the 2 
images to ghcr.io/apache/flink-kubernetes-operator-bundle:1.3.0-rc1 and 
ghcr.io/apache/flink-kubernetes-opeator-catalog:1.3.0-rc1. Then, community can 
test 2. and 3. easily with the following commands:
# Deploy the catalog src in default ns
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: CatalogSource
  name: olm-flink-operator-catalog
  namespace: default
  sourceType: grpc
  image: ghcr.io/apache/flink-kubernetes-opeator-catalog:1.3.0-rc1

# Deploy operator from the catalog
Cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha2
kind: OperatorGroup
  name: default-og
  namespace: default
  - default
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
  name: flink-kubernetes-operator
  namespace: default
  channel: alpha
  name: flink-kubernetes-operator
  source: olm-flink-operator-catalog
  sourceNamespace: default
  # For testing upgrade from previous version
  # installPlanApproval: Automatic # Manual
  # startingCSV: flink-kubernetes-operator.v1.2.0

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