Hi all,

Currently, I am working on adding support for nested fields filter push
down. In our use case running Flink on Batch, we found nested fields filter
push down is key - without it, it is significantly slow. Note: Spark SQL
supports nested fields filter push down.

While debugging the code using IcebergTableSource as the table source,
narrowed down the issue to missing support for
As part of fixing it, I made changes by returning an
with appropriate reference to the parent index and the child index for the
nested field with the data type info.

But this new ResolvedExpression cannot be converted to RexNode which
happens in PushFilterIntoSourceScanRuleBase

Few questions

1. Does FieldReferenceExpression support nested fields currently or should
it be extended to support nested fields? I couldn't figure this out from
the PushProjectIntoTableScanRule that supports nested column projection
push down.
2. ExpressionConverter
converts ResolvedExpression -> RexNode but the new FieldReferenceExpression
with the nested field cannot be converted to RexNode. This is why the
answer to the 1st question is key.
3. Anything else that I'm missing here? or is there an even easier way to
add support for nested fields filter push down?

Partially working changes - Commit
feel free to leave a comment directly in the commit.

Any pointers here would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Disclaimer: Relatively new to Flink code base especially Table planner :-).

Venkata krishnan

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