
Would it be a lot of work for you to post the work you have done?  I
would be interested in taking a look at it, if it is easy for you to

I have two use cases with Muchos during release testing that these
changes may impact.  One is running the agitation scripts in accumulo
testing that kill and restart tablet servers.  Another is making
configuration changes and restarting the entire cluster.


On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 2:52 PM Aishwarya Thangappa
<> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> While using fluo-muchos to deploy an Accumulo cluster, we recognized the need 
> for various Accumulo and Hadoop services to be run under a service manager 
> like systemd which will ensure that all these services are brought up 
> correctly in the event of VM / OS reboots / cold starts. We have made the 
> required changes for this and would like to contribute it back to the 
> community if there is any interest around it.
> Summarizing what we have done:
>   *   Crafted separate systemd unit files for Accumulo (master, monitor, gc, 
> traser, tserver), Hadoop (journalnode, namenode, datanode, resourcemanager, 
> nodemanager, zkfc) and Zookeeper services.
>   *   All of these unit files will be copied to the respective nodes' 
> /etc/systemd/system directory; the services will then be started and enabled 
> by ansible systemd module.
>   *   In case of num_tservers > 1, multiple tserver systemd units will be 
> copied to the node and each will be independently managed.
>   *   Also made necessary changes to the existing cluster-wide scripts 
> including accumulo_cluster, accumulo_service, start_dfs, start_yarn etc., to 
> have them work seamlessly with sytemd.
> Is there an appetite to look at the details? If so, we can post a PR or if 
> there are any feedbacks and other considerations, please let us know and we 
> can discuss them.
> Thanks,
> Aishwarya

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