Hi all,

I'm trying to run the Phrase Count sample Fluo app (
https://github.com/apache/fluo-examples/tree/master/phrasecount) using Fluo
Uno and running into some issues. I'm wondering if anyone has run into
these issues and can provide some help. I ran the following commands on my
local machine (I'm on Ubuntu 18.04).

git clone https://github.com/apache/fluo-examples.git
git clone https://github.com/apache/fluo-uno.gitcd fluo-uno
./bin/uno fetch fluo
./bin/uno setup fluo
source <(./bin/uno env)
cd ../fluo-examples/
phrasecount/bin/run.sh ~/Documents/fluo-test/

~/Documents/fluo-test/ is a local directory with a single .txt file. I
didn't change any configurations or touch uno.conf. I got the
following error message from the above commands

Fluo is not configured, exiting.

I checked the Phrase Count run.sh code and saw that the error is
because $FLUO_HOME/conf/fluo.properties doesn't exist. fluo-uno only
created a $FLUO_HOME/conf/fluo-app.properties and a
$FLUO_HOME/conf/fluo-conn.properties. I changed run.sh to look for
$FLUO_HOME/conf/fluo-app.properties instead and re-ran
phrasecount/bin/run.sh ~/Documents/fluo-test/

I got the following error
ERROR - This command is deprecated can only be used if fluo.properties
exists in /home/joe/GitHubProjects/fluo-uno/install/fluo-1.2.0/conf

Looking at the code is seems like run.sh is trying to run fluo kill,
which is deprecated in fluo 1.2.0 which is the version that fluo-uno
Maybe one of the repos is out of date? Anyway any help would be
appreciated, I haven't used fluo-uno before so I didn't want to raise
an issue in case I was doing something wrong or had something


Joe Koshakow

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