We need to move Muchos from Centos 7 to another OS.  Not completely
sure how we should  proceed.  Below is a possible process we could
follow to make this change.

 * We collaborate to create a list of candidate OSes with pros and
cons for each OS, not sure where is best to do this.  I don't think a
mailing list is the best place for this collaboration, however it's
nice for the collaboration to be recorded on the mailing list.
 * We hold a vote (possibly iterative voting or ranked voting) to try
to reach consensus on one of the candidate OSes we would like Muchos
to use.
 * After a candidate is selected we can create a branch and start
submitting PRs to move Muchos to that new OS in the branch.  When it's
functional we can merge that branch into main.

Can anyone think of another process we could follow to move Muchos to
another OS? Does anyone object to the process proposed above or have
suggestions to improve it?


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