Mark Eggers wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> > > I'll try svn diff for my next submission (making faqs v2.0 consistent
> > > with document v2.0 and howto v2.0 I think).
> > 
> > Hmm, i am not clear what you mean by that.
> I noticed that there are only head definitions for howto and document
> DTDs.  When authoring other documents, you can't put some of the
> information in.  After looking at the other DTDs, I don't know if it
> would be valuable to add the head elements in or not.
> > That is correct. These stylesheets need to be able
> > to cope with both formats.  Your changes did.
> Actually, I think in my copy I broke v 1.x How To compatibility.  At
> least with my sample document the questions and answers were not
> translated correctly.  That's why I left the original stylesheet.

Todays trunk works for me. In SVN we have howto/howto-howto.xml
which uses <faqs> ... this doc was DTD v1.3 but now
i upgraded it to to be DTD v2.0 ... and both versions
work in my local test.

If you still see problems, then please add a test document
to a Jira Issue.

> > The basic thing to bear in mind is that all formats
> > (i.e. v*.* of faq, changes, document) get transformed
> > into the internal format. At the momemnt this is document-v1
> I see that.  I've been trying to get the meta element from v 2.0 DTDs to
> make it into the final rendition.  Right now if you add a meta tag to a
> v 2.0 how to or document xml file you will get non-validating html from
> the pelt skin.  Even if you don't include a meta tag, you get an empty
> <meta></meta> element in the output and the html no longer validates.
> Hopefully I can get that figured out.

That would be a great relief. It has been on my todo
list for the imminent 0.7 release. The empty <meta-data/>
element would mean we need to change our compliance.html page.


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