Now that David gave the last version,
I'll try to comment ... also dared a look
into the archive.

Apache Forrest is a publishing framework that accepts
various input sources and transforms them into a unified
document collection strictly separating content and
It is standards-based, employing Apache Cocoon and
a plugin architecture which makes it modular and
Forrest can be used as a dynamic application,
to generate a static result or completely automated.

Comments: * Easier wording. For me as a non-native speaker the prev. versions were harder to understand. Shorter sentences. (Please correct any errors in my English!) * Put the main thing up-front: what forrest does. Then something about the architecture, then the options. * I'm not very happy with the last sentence. * For discussion: "publishing" instead of "documentation" framework. This includes web publishing, classic documentation (read books, articles), online help etc. * We might want to spend an extra word, saying "extremely modular and extensible".

What do you think?


David Crossley wrote:
Ferdinand Soethe wrote:

Ross Gardler wrote:

RG> I'd say stick with what we had

I agree. No point in having a lengthy discussion. To a large extent it
depends on the perspective you have and the background you come from.

So if you feel happier with it, just ignore my proposal and
stick with the previous text.

Here is the new version trying to take some of Ferdinand's
words into account. If no-one has anything more to add or
change, then i will go ahead and use this.

Apache Forrest is a standards-based documentation framework
using a plugin architecture to transform and aggregate various
input sources into various output formats. It is modular and
extensible, based on Apache Cocoon, to emphasise the strict
separation of presentation and content. This creates a unified
document collection that can be used as a dynamic application,
or generated at the command-line, or generated and deployed
with an automated publishing application.


User Interface Design GmbH * Teinacher Str. 38 * D-71634 Ludwigsburg
Fon +49 (0)7141 377 000 * Fax +49 (0)7141 377 00-99
Geschäftsstelle: User Interface Design GmbH * Lehrer-Götz-Weg 11 * D-81825 München

Buch "User Interface Tuning" von Joachim Machate & Michael Burmester

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