On Mar 31, 2005 David Crossley wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> > 
> > What worries me is that we don't hear many other people stepping
> > up to help with the release. So maybe we need to delay it for
> > another week or two.
> Sorry to everyone who was expecting a release, but the freeze date
> has passed and we are not ready. We need people, both committers
> and developers, to assist with documentation and outstanding issues.

Well we are in a lot better shape over the
last few weeks. Some major issues were fixed.

The website is almost sorted out. Just need
to remove the /dev/ directory and remove the old
top-level docs. They are all being handled with
the .htaccess redirects. We need to reinstate our
local forrestbots so that we committers can publish
docs easily. That should be just tweaking of a config
following the merge of the docs-author directory
with site-author.

The plugin infrastructure seems to be pretty good.
I haven't yet tried publishing the various plugin docs
yet. Ross has done it a few times. The plugins directory
in forrest/site SVN needs cleanup, and there are some
old files on the server. The renaming seems to be all done.

There are still some Jira issues open. We don't need to
fix everything.

I will be away on holidays for the next week. I will try
to do email.

If anyone wants to propose a new release schedule, like
we did earlier in this thread, then go for it. Otherwise
i will do that when i get back.


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