
> My goal is to put a live Forrest on ASF infrastructure instead of the
> bot and have that serve all Forrest-based sites in Apache, comprising
> Lenya.

Sounds good. Let me know if you need any help or input from us.

Are you subsribed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] There is a rush for Solaris zones on the new v40z machine. Hurry up if you need one.


Nicola Ken Barozzi schrieb:
Torsten Schlabach wrote:

 > Apache is getting more hardware donated lately, so it may be that we
 > get to use it. In any case, I don't want to ask for the usage of it if
 > we don't yet know what to do with it, hence the RT.

Before making the full move and serve the websites entirely dynamically, how about providing a Forrestbot infrastructure for projects to use in order for the generation of today's static sites to be server based. We in the Apache Lenya project each have to maintain our personal Forrest installation and generate the HTML locally in order to maintain our website, see:

(This is painful, time consuming and error-prone IMO and experience.)

I was looking at this issue some time ago and learned that there are no alternatives to this at that point in time because the ASF does not have a hardware to host a production Forrest(bot). Or is that available in the meanwhile and we just missed it?

My goal is to put a live Forrest on ASF infrastructure instead of the bot and have that serve all Forrest-based sites in Apache, comprising Lenya.

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