Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
I'd like to reduce freshsite to be what the name says: a fresh site
w/o content and menus. Are there reasons to have it like this, do we
need to offer two different options like

        forrest seed (for bare bones fresh site)
        forrest demo (to generate a demo site)

If the latter is possible and required, I suggest to extend it
(gradually) to show more configuration options with tabs and site.

It has been suggested a few times that we provide a bare bones site as a seed as well as a demo site.

I think the demo site is needed as it shows what forrest can do quickly and simply. The seed site used to be much simpler, but over time it has grown into a demo site.

It would be great to see a bare bones site and an enhanced demo site.

Perhaps you could start with http://issues.cocoondev.org/browse/FOR-470 as this is a blocker for the 0.7 release


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