Thorsten Scherler wrote:
On Wed, 2005-05-11 at 00:55 +0200, Ferdinand Soethe wrote:

Ross Gardler wrote:

RG> Perhaps you could start with
RG> RG> as this is a blocker for the 0.7 release

will try and look at that tomorrow: right now I understand only half
of what I'm reading there.

The way we handle raw content has changed (it no longer has its own directory it is kept alongside the "to be processed" content). As a consequence the documentation is incorrect. Someone needs to go through the docs and correct it. We also need some samples adding to fresh-site (or the proposed demo site).

Me neither. ;-) I guess Ross meant mainly

I did *not* mean that one. That should *not* happen before 0.7 is released. Too much work, it'll delay 0.7 for another month.


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