I'd like to fix the dates of unofficial Forrest meet-ups at ApacheCon
2005 very soon so that people can schedule their travel accordingly.

As far as I can tell, we could have two separate meet-ups:

1. Workshop Forrest Views

   with Thorsten explaining the concept and practical details of his
   Forrest-Views and plenty of opportunity to ask questions.

   My hope is that I will have a chance to understand Views after that
   which means that we will address people with a limited
   understanding of Forrest and Plug-ins.

   Duration: ~ 2 hrs?


   - Thorsten:

     = are you still willing to do this
     = is my description of entry requirements correct

   - All:

     = can anybody suggest a place that is open for people
       without conf registration (perhaps even has a beamer?)

     = What evenings of the conference would you prefer to
       have this meet-up

2. General Exchange on Forrest

   an opportunity for Forrest users and developers to meet and have an
   open exchange about Forrest. If we have enough people committed to
   participating, we could/should we announce this meeting in our
   Forrest session for interested people to join us.


     = can anybody suggest a place that is open for people
       without conf registration (perhaps even has a beamer?)

     = What evenings of the conference would you prefer to
       have this meet-up


Ferdinand Soethe

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