Thorsten Scherler wrote:
I really thought whether or not to answer this thread.

Well I said I was going to answer this tomorrow, but there is no way I will sleep thinking that I have left this unaddressed so here goes (I hope the alcohol doesn't make things worse ;-)...

On Fri, 2005-05-27 at 11:39 +0100, Ross Gardler wrote:

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

On Thu, 2005-05-26 at 18:20 -0400, Gregor J. Rothfuss wrote:


are you suggesting that it is easier to learn and use a DSL than to use java? i don't buy that, sorry. the DSL is just a layer of indirection, the real implementation (at least in lenya, dunno about forrest) will be java classes anyway, so why not try to have a sensible API rather than hide it behind a bunch of xml?

That user that do not have to learn java to extend and use
lenya/forrest. They want to configure and not program.

I think it is important to understand that at present only Thorstens eyes have touched most of the views plugin (that is why it is in the whiteboard). Last time another dev was able to find the time to understand what Thorsten was doing we ended up simplifying a rather complex XML structure to a really simple one that did the same job, far more efficiently.

¿? Are you talking about Diwaker Gupta? If so then what you wrote is not
true! I added CSS support to then decide to get rid of it again.

No I wasn't talking of Diwaker Gupta, however you are right to mention him as he has been active in examining and discussing some aspects of views. My apologies for overlooking his contribution, even if it has not been implemented, it has been valid discussion.

What I *was* referring to was our discussions on how to include feeder output in a view:

In which we went from:

<forrest:contract name="feeder">
      <forrest:properties contract="feeder">
        <forrest:property name="feeder" nugget="get.nugget.feeder">
            <feed id="shows">
            <feed id="sf">
        <forrest:property name="feedConfig">
          <feed id="planetJava" maxItem="10" descr="false"/>

To a nice clean and more understandable:

<forrest:contract name="feeder">
   <forrest:properties contract="feeder">
     <forrest:property name="feeder" nugget="get.nugget.feeder">

Admittedly some of the information in the original is in the feeder plugin config rather than the views config, but both configs are much more understandable and we successfully separated the concerns of the view designer and the content designer.

My intention in raising this point was not to say that your designs are not good, but to say that we have found that they *are* good and when we (all the Forrest devs) put our heads together we can really polish what you have done.

...and about which complex structure are you takling about?

What I am saying is that when you examine an example from Thorsten in the mailing list it tends to be hugely complex.


I simply meant that sometimes your examples are too complex for others, who are lacking your background in the development of views. This is not a failing of yours, it is a failing of *ours* (mine?) because we (I?) are not currently able to find the time to discuss the examples with you as we did in the above thread.

...again do you consider the fv markup as complex? It contains in the
core 2 basic tags: forrest:hooks (will be transformed in div) and
forrest:contracts (which is a capsuled piece of code from the former

When you explain it like that it sounds wonderful, but a complex language need not have many elements. It can have a few elements used in many contexts. However, that is not the problem I have perceive, at least I don't think so. The problem I have can be seen in the example above.

Look at your first stab at the config file. It contains information relevant to two different types of Forrest user, the content designer (the feeder config stuff) and the views designer (the contracts, hooks and properties). This makes it *appear* complex to the uninitiated reader.

Again, this is not meant as a criticism, it is an observation. I made the observation because Gregor had clearly found himself in the middle of one of these *seemingly* complex examples and it was ringing alarm bells for him. He was quite rightly asking should he turn them off or was there a real issue.

The example in question is:

<forrest:views xmlns:forrest="";
  <logic:filter value="dirCut" parameter="p">
     <forrest:view format="inx" />
  <logic:filter value="actorCut" parameter="p">
     <forrest:view format="inx" />

This has a "logic" namespace, I believe it is that namespace that started alarm bells ringing. The term logic implies there is programming in this config file. Now I do know enough about views to know you are not doing programming in their config files, but Gregor (I assume) does not know this yet. I was trying to reassure him, but in the process I seem to have upset you. Sorry.

I *really* do not understand what is complex. On the other hand to
create a new skin I consider complex and inflexible. You have to get
into 2-3 xsl stylesheets and do all changes there regardless whether you
"only" want to move e.g. the logo.

Agreed, which is why we are all making supportive noises, although not actually helping at this stage.

In fv that is dead simple!!!

Not for me, at least not yet.

This is the only point, If they are as simple as you say then they need to be made more understandable.

What is simple to one person is very complex to another. For example, I used to work as live Sound Engineer, you know the guy in the middle of a music venue twiddling all those thousands of knobs on a huge mixing desk (if you have no idea what I mean see ). To most people it looks *really* complex, probably to you too, but to me it is *extremely* simple.

In my response I was *not* intending to make a *negative* comment about your work on views. Quite the reverse as you will hopefully see...

Thorsten has been working away at this for some time and is in it far deeper than anyone else.

Yeah, because I am using the concept of dispatcher view in some customer
projects with success.

Again, this was not intended as a criticism of your work. It was an observation that so far you have not had the benefit of "many eyes". It is solely a product of your own hard work.

I think we all know that in Open Source subsequent versions after peer review far outstrip the initial version. This has nothing to do with the skills and abilities of the original author, it has everything to do with the key benefits of the Open Source methodology.

I have a feeling that once we get the chance to review his work the config schema and configuration technique will be massively improved. As you know, that is the way of Open Source.

Hmm, the only thing I consider to be improved is the processing behind
the scenes for xhtml. The scheme is *simple* (see above) and the
technique, yeah it needs a clearer separation.

On this one you have not misunderstood my intent. You may be right, maybe we can't improve the implementation, but maybe we can.

Look at the plugins system, it was originally based on Nicola's code enhancement that allows project sitemaps to pass through to the Forrest sitemap. I don't know if Nicola intended todays plugins to be the end result, but if he'd said "you can't improve on project specific sitemaps" we may never have worked out how to do plugins.

I do know I never envisioned plugins becoming the enabling tool for views.

My point is that things can *always* be improved.

All Thorsten is doing is providing a configuration file. However, I do agree that at present that config file is far too complex,

Please show me where the config file is complex!!!

Let me rephrase the original statement - I believe the configuration files can be further simplified.

For an example of where they can be further simplified go back to the top of this email. The thread I link to shows a time when a dev found the time to understood enough of what you were doing to be able to discuss a solution with you. The outcome seems to be agreement on a much simplified solution when compared to the first suggested.

if the Forrest devs (well, me at least) can't understand it then it is not suitable for use.


Again, let me rephrase to make my intent clearer (written only from a personal perspective):

Since I, as a Forrest dev, am having trouble understanding this work, it is difficult to evaluate its suitability for use.

This is not meant to imply views are *not* suitable. Just that either we need clearer examples, docs and descriptions, and, possibly, we need to do more development.

So in conclusion, I agree with Gregors concerns, but I also agree with the direction Thorsten is trying to go in.

Actually that is the reason why I am proposing that forrest is *not*
officially developing views anymore. I do not see that it get accepted
better said it is causing confusion and concerns by user. I happily
remove all code regarding views from forrest if the forrest pmc will
positively vote for it.

As a member of the Forrest PMC I will *not* vote for this. In fact I would vote *against* this. We need views and we need Thorstens vision for them.

I'm sorry that you took my original mail as being criticism of your excellent work. It was not intended as personal comment, only reassurance to Gregor that his concerns were, in my opinion, unfounded. I wish I learnt your language when I was at school, then I could express myself better. Sometimes my lack of language skills can cause problems on mail lists like this.


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