Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
Johannes Schaefer wrote:

Good news: we can have a room at the FHT for the
evenings, thanks to Prof. Hauber.

Hey this is great news. Thanks to Johannes and Peter for solving this
problem for us.

We'll need to decide when we'll meet.

OK, I suggest to have

- the general Forrest Meetup on Wednesday evening
  (the day of our Forrest presentation) so that people can come and
  ask more questions ...

- the views-workshop on Thursday so that people won't have to hang
  around for all three days of the conference.

With Johannes' mail saying "evenings" (plural) I'd gratefully take the
offered room for both evenings to not exclude people. If that is not
stretching Peter's hospitality too far?

Would 19:00 hrs be good time to start?

I'm off-line till Wednesday. Since some people need to arrange for
their travel we should decide soon. So how about taking the time to
comment until Wednesday so we can finalize the arrangements this week?

I like your proposal, if it needs to change to accommodate other people that is fine by me. I will be in Germany for about a week in total. Most of it I will not be in Stuttgart however, I will ensure I am present when there is anything "Forrest" going on.

(Below I'll include the agenda for both meetings from previous mail.)

Ferdinand Soethe

We General Exchange on Forrest

   an opportunity for Forrest users and developers to meet and have an
   open exchange about Forrest. If we have enough people committed to
   participating, we could/should we announce this meeting in our
   Forrest session for interested people to join us.

It is possible that we will not have many non-Forrest people taking this up. If this is the case I would like to use this time to do some forward planning and bug fixing. Will there be net access in this room?

I see this as being compatible with an "open exchange" with potential users and devs as we can ask what peoples use cases are and discuss whether Forrest should/would be considered for that use case. In cases where Forrest seems appropriate we can look at what changes need to be made.

Th Workshop Forrest Views

   with Thorsten explaining the concept and practical details of his
   Forrest-Views and plenty of opportunity to ask questions.

   My hope is that I will have a chance to understand Views after that
   which means that we will address people with a limited
   understanding of Forrest and Plug-ins.

   Duration: ~ 2 hrs?

I propose no changes at all to this part of the agenda. Views is key to the next release of Forrest and will, I think, finally see us moving to a subset of XHTML2 as the internal. This should be a purely design focused meeting.


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