David Crossley schrieb:
Johannes Schaefer wrote:

I will have a presentation about Forrest in German that
day (Tue, 19th July), also at the HfT, also starting at
19h. Ferdinand wanted to go there, too. This will last
for about 1-1.5 hours. I'll check back about the room
(I asked for the conference days 20-22, which was OK by

I am very sorry Johannes, that completely slipped my mind.

Is your event open to other other German-speaking people
or do you want to limit it to your group? I ask because
we might create an "Events" page at the Forrest website.

It *is* open. It's just an informal meeting of interested
people. German speakers can find more information here
although the July meeting isn't there, yet (And I discovered
that it actually starts at 18:30 ;-)

Does your meeting usually finish and then people leave?

No. Usually we sit together afterwards to have some beer.

If so, then perhaps our project workshop could start
after that. Anyway, we don't want to put any pressure
on you or your meeting. So that option is removed below.

On one hand, it would be better for our project workshop
to be held earlier in the week, preferably before the
Get Together, so that we have our story straight regarding
Views and XHTML2 core. (The committers can do some of that
at the Hackathon during the day on Tuesday.)

On the other hand, later is better because we can have
a wider audience and also take into account the use-cases
expressed at the earlier sessions. Another reason for
doing it later is that the sessions then progress from
easier topics to more complex.

I now think that we should dispense with the option of an
ApacheCon Birds of a Feather (BoF) session. I was trying
to ensure that we don't divert attention away from ApacheCon.

So it seems that we are back to the original plan.
Here is the current schedule:

If there's agreement on this schedule, I'll check back with
Peter Schaub.

Thanks to David for putting this together so nicely!


Tuesday 19 July

Event: Apache Committers Hackathon
Time: all day
Location: ApacheCon

Event: Meeting of usability professionals (Johannes)
         In German: details see below.
Time: 18:30 until 20:00   !! Time changed
Location: HfT

Wednesday 20 July

Event: ApacheCon Session WE16 (Ross and Ferdinand)
Time: 14:30 until 15:30
Location: ApacheCon

Event: Apache Forrest get together
Time: 20:00 until whenever
Location: HfT

Thursday 21 July

Event: Apache Forrest project workshop
Time: 20:00 until whenever
Location: HfT



Titel:   Technische Dokumentation mit Apache Forrest
  Styleguides und andere Technische Dokumente stellen uns
  vor immer mehr Herausforderungen:
  - Mehrere Personen arbeiten an demselben Dokument:
    Usability-Experten, Designer, technische Autoren,
    Entwickler, ...
  - Die Leser erwarten ein Dokument im Intranet: immer
    aktuell, leicht verfügbar, hübsch "gestyled" und
  - Es ist eine (identische) Druckversion/PDF nötig,
    die in Datenbanken abgelegt wird.

  Mit Apache Forrest (forrest.apache.org) steht ein freies
  Publikationswerkzeug zur Verfügung, das einen hierbei
  unterstützt. Basierend auf Standards wie XML und HTML,
  kann mit Forrest aus verschiedenen Quelldokumenten (z.B.
  XML, DocBook, OpenOffice) eine einheitliche Ausgabe
  (z.B. in HTML und PDF) erzeugt werden.

  Im Vortrag stelle ich Apache Forrest vor und berichte
  über unsere Erfahrungen beim Schreiben von Styleguides.
  - Was ist Forrest und wie funktioniert es? Vor-/Nachteile.
  - Wie schreibt man die Inhalte?
  - Wie kann ich bestehende Dokumente übernehmen?
  - Wie kann man das Erscheinungsbild dem Kunden anpassen?
  - Wie kann man komplexe Dokumente strukturieren?

User Interface Design GmbH * Teinacher Str. 38 * D-71634 Ludwigsburg
Fon +49 (0)7141 377 000 * Fax  +49 (0)7141 377 00-99
Geschäftsstelle: User Interface Design GmbH * Lehrer-Götz-Weg 11 * D-81825 München

Buch "User Interface Tuning" von Joachim Machate & Michael Burmester

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