On Fri, 2005-06-03 at 10:55 +0200, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
> Reinhard Poetz wrote:
> ...
> > If there is no Forrest event on Sunday, we would be more than happy to 
> > see you at the Blockathon (http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/Blockathon) 
> > which will start on Sunday.
> Ah, ok, will see if I can make it :-)

I want to go there as well (if possible with you Reinhard).

> Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
> .
>  > Does this mean you are not attending the conference (Wed-Fri)?
> Nope, I'm using the Apachecon simply as an opportunity of meeting people.

I guess I will do it like Nicola.

>  > Do we need to rethink the scheduled date for our Views-seminar on
>  > Thursday?
> It would be nice for me if we could -also?- do something on Monday evening.

Yeah I would like to do something on Monday as well. I thought on monday
there is the ASF hackathon as well, or? When are the 2 days hackathon?


"Together we stand, divided we fall!" 
Hey you (Pink Floyd)

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