On Sat, 2005-06-04 at 20:55 -0400, Pedro I. Sanchez wrote:
> My version of the Spanish messages would be the following:
> <catalogue>
>   <message key="Font size:">Tamaño del texto:</message>
>   <message key="Last Published:">Fecha de publicación:</message>
>   <message key="Search">Buscar</message>
>   <message key="Search the site with">Buscar en</message>
> </catalogue>

Nice, can you prepare a patch and add it to this issue? I will apply it
then, thx. I reckon there are more to come. ;-)

> Now, how do i specify the desired language? The i18n doc talks about
> specifying the locale in the transform, I guess in a map file. Ideally
> it should be specified forrest.properties, or even better at the command
> line, like:
> $ LANG=de_DE forrest
> How is it done now?

Actually I just tested it in 'forrest run' and not forrest. 

In the dynamic mode you can change the preferred language of your
browser and hit refresh.

Right now you find in the main forrest sitemap.xmap:
<map:transform type="i18n">
<map:parameter name="locale" value="{request:locale}"/>

The question is how to parse the request:locale to the cli? ATM I do not
know that, but I guess that is possible. ;-)

> One other comment: You are placing the catalogues under common/messages,
> which is probably fine for the default skin. But I believe that skins
> should come with their own catalogues because each can have an entirely
> different set of labels to be translated. Is this being accommodated by
> the skins "plugin" thing?
Yes, this will go into views for now I added it to viewHelper.xhtml.
There are some points I found out for a full i18n support for skins
(view based). ...but this will be another thread. ;-)

I reckon you have to extend the catalogues section like the following,
but I have not test that.
<catalogues default="common">
  <catalogue id="common" name="CommonMessages"
<catalogue id="{forrest:skin}" name="{forrest:skin}Messages"


"Together we stand, divided we fall!" 
Hey you (Pink Floyd)

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